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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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Г. ~ers,pnaiPronO,uns>'!•











































































































































Possessive adjectives usually have the functions of an attribute:







Нег exeгcise is good.







Possessive pronouns may Ье used as the subject, the object and the predicative:




This is not туpenci/, тine is Ыие. (the subject)







1have bгoken туpencil. Please give те youгs. (the object)




The book is тine. (the predicative)




















Note 1. Possessive pronouns are used in such constructions as а fгiendof




тine, that dictionaгyofyouгs:








That сагof yours is very good.








That тusic of hers is very pleasant.







Note 2. Possessive adjectives are often used before the names of the parts




ofthe body, clothing, things belonging to а person etc. ln this case




they are nottranslated into Russian:








Не put his hand into his pocket.







Note 3. Possessive adjectives are not used with parts of the body after




prepositions. Verbs used in this pattern are hit, kiss, punch, blte,




touch, pat, sting etc.:








She kissed the ЬаЬу оп the cheek.















Exercise 1

Insert the proper form ofthe personal pronoun in brackets.

1. 1 had turned and faced (he). Не was taller than (1). 2. Не will Ье between (you) and (1), anyway. 3. lt was (she) wlю asked the next question. 4. lt's (they) whom 1 pity desperately. 5. "She's better at it than (we) are," said Nora. 6. It was (1) not Martin, who had insisted on seeing (he) that night because 1wanted his support. 7. 1 recalled, too, there had been some talk between Tom and (she).


8. It was (he) before whom she felt defeat. 9. This is (1) who сап help you. 1О. Му mother gave (I) аvery interesting story to read. 11. You must go to see (she) and talk to (she). 12. Му friends came to see (we) yesterday and 1 showed (they) the pictures you had sent (I). 13. The Ьох you wanted to give (he) is on the taЬle, bring (it) here. 14. There were several other реор1е no less amused to see (l) than 1 was to see (tl1ey). 15. If somebody inquires about me, tell (they) that 1am well.

Exercise 11


Insert persona1 pronouns.


1. Austra1ia is one of the five continents, but ...

is much smaller than the

other four. 2. Look at the yacht! ... is a1most touching the waves with the sail.

Look at ...! 3. I hear а chi1d has been born to you. Is

... а Ьоу or а gir1? 4. When

Кiпuli had become а Ьig lioпess, ... 11ad to Ье returпed to the Zoo, as it was daпgerous to keep ... at home апу longer. 5. What is tl1e пате ofyour dog?-

... is called Jip. 6. Mike soon made ...

clear that ... did not waпt to stay there

Ioпg. 7. Do you like your car? -


... has пever let me dowп yet. 8....


tl1ere's Ьееп а great earthquake

iп the Pacific. 9. It was ... who helped me

most. 1О. They iпvited you апd ... to tl1e party. 11. Very few could do it faster

thaп .... 12. You сап take the lюrse to the water, but you саппоt make ...

driпk 13. Where is my umbrella? 1 1eft ... in this corner. 14. ls he your friend?

I have not yet seen ....

Exercise 111

Underliпe the personal and possessive adjectives апd proпouпs iп the followiпg


1.Our country is very rich in oil, coal, iron and other пatural resources.

2.England has to import most ofthem. 3. His dictation was much better than yours or miпe. 4. Не does his work much better than 1 do miпe. 5. Their car was faster than ours. 6. At the concert 1met an old frieпd of mine. 7. Leпd them your dictionary, they have left theirs at lюme. 8. This book is пeither hers nor his, it should Ье miпe. 9. Their kпowledge of chemistry is поt much better than miпe. 10. You сап do without my he1p, but not without hers.

Exercise IV

Choose the correct form ofthe possessive adjectives or pronouns in brackets.

1. Would you like to see some of (her, hers) latest sketches? 2. Не has not read а line of (your, yours), how сап he criticize (your, yours) poems? 3. lfthis book is пeither (her, hers) nor (his, his), it should Ье (my, miпe). 4. (Their, theirs) knowledge ofthe subject is поt much better than (our, ours). 5. l'm afraid they will take (your, yours) words agaiпst (her, hers). 6. All (our, ours) clothes were extremely dirty, апd (my, miпe) especially so. 7. Will you help me to sort out































the things? I cannot tell which are (your, yours) and which are (our, ours). 8. (Their, theirs) boat was faster than (our, ours). 9. The man next door has been bt1sy cutting the grass in (his, his) garden. 10. She put (her, hers) hands in (his, his).

Exercise V

Use the correct form of possessive adjectives or pronouns in the following sentences:

l. This foolish wife of (l) thinks I'm а great artist," said he. 2. Very wel\, Motl1er, I'll have (l) hair cut this afternoon. 3. We can do (we) shopping before lunch. 4. She folded the letter and put it in (it) envelope. 5. She makes all (she) clothes herself. 6. Tl1is book is (1). There is (1) name on it. 7. There is а very interesting article of (he) in this evening's paper. 8. This demand of (they) is quite unexpected. 9. She took off (she) coat and hat and sat down to wait for (she) friend. 1О. Не asked me what (1) name was and wrote it down in (he) notebook.

Exercise Vl

Choose the correct form ofthe possessive adjectives or pronouns.

1. 1 went (my, mine) way, апd she went (her, hers). 2. Не left (her, hers) with (their, theirs) child. 3. What was this experimeпt of(your, yours)? 4. Не put (his) arm in (her, hers). 5. From this moment (their, theirs) story comes iп two versions, (my, miнe) апd (her, hers). 6. Му friend's room was only two doors from (my, mine). 7. "That tlюught is not (me, miпe)," he said to himselfquickly. 8. Where is (your, yours) seat? I wiJlgo to (my, mine). 9. Leпd them (your, yours) dictionary; they have left (their, theirs) at home. 10. 1put оп (my, miпe) coat апd hat and sat dowн to wait for (her, hers) friend. 11. We are all ready to defend (our, ours) couнtry. 12. You can leave (your, yours) bags iп the cloakroom.

Exercise Vll

Change the followiпg senteпces as in the giveн models:

Model Z


This is my book. -

This book is mine.

Model Zl


This is my book. -

Апd that one is his (hers).

These are your books. - Апd those are ours (theirs).

1. This is my purse. 2. This is our suggestion. 3. This is your glove. 4. These are your seats. 5. This is her plan. 6. This is her toothbrush. 7. These are my pens. 8. This is theirwriting-taЬ!e. 9. These are my пotebooks. 10. This is their part of work. 11. This is my dictioпary. 12. These are our postcards. 13. These are our records. 14. This is my umbrella. 15. These are our notebooks. 16. This is my hat. 17. This is my watch. 18. These are our tickets. 19. These are our scissors. 20. This is my coat.


Exercise Vlll

Translate into Eпglish.

1. Построена новая дорога; ее длина более тысячи километров. 2. Пост­ роен новый мост; его ширина около ста метров. 3. У меня много книг этого поэта; я большой почитатель его таланта. 4. Я предпочитаю Крым Кавказу из-за его более сухого климата. 5. Этот автомобиль очень не­

большой, но мотор у него довольно мош.ный. 6. Я не могу сейчас ездить

на своем автомобиле: у него мотор не в порядке. 7. Чьи эти фотографии? - Мои. 8. Не трогай утюг, он горячий. 9. Кушайте больше моркови, она очень полезная. 10. Где фрукты?- Они в холодильнике. 11. Это ваша

записная книжка, а это его, но где же моя? 12. На борту парахода я встре­ тил своего старого друга. Он был также другом моего брата.

Exercise IX

Translate iпto English.

1. Вы едете в одном купе, но его место верхнее, а ваше нижнее. 2. Чьи

стихи вам больше понравились: его или того молодого поэта? 3. Он взял ключ соседа вместо своего. 4. Мы поделились с ними своим опытом, а

они своим. 5. Результаты показали, что наш план бьm более правиль­

ным, чем их. 6. Самое лучшее предложениеваше. 7. Когда вы увидите

его, отдайте ему его карандаш. 8. Мы пригласили их на наш вечер, и они обешали прийти со своим учителем. 9. Мать попросила ее принести из комнаты ее журналы, а она принесла свои. 10. Она заглянула в свою комнату и быстро вернулась в его. 11. Она вошла в ванную комнату,

чтобы вымыть лицо и руки. 12. Он был на два года старше меня и моей


Exercise Х

Translate into English.

1. Ее дядя был директором школы. - И мой тоже. 2. Я полагаю, что я прав, думая, что он один из ваших учеников. 3. Его мнение было таким же, как мое. 4. Его английский был также хорош, как и их. 5. Том недав­

но получил письмо от школьного друга. 6. У меня было странное чув­

ство, когда мы говорили о его друзьях. 7. В те дни я редко видел своего

школьного друга и в его присутствии я чувствовал себя неловко, как и

он в моем. 8. Сегодня утром мне звонила по телефону одна из моих пле­ мянниц. 9. <<Мы поедем сегодня к нашему другу на вашей машине или на моей'?>> -спросила Аня. 1О. Он говорит, что он один из ваших друзей или вы один из его друзей. 11. Я прочту вам свое сочинение и хочу, чтобы вы прочли мне свое. 12. Я вижу, что у вас нет словаря, я хочу дать вам свой. 13. Я еще не написал свои упражнения. А ваши готовы? 14. Вот ваш портфель. А где мой? 15. Вы еще не показали мне свой доклад.













Exercise Xl


Trans1ate into English .



1. Если вы остави.пи дома ключ, я могу вам дать свой. 2. Он надел шляпу и



<пальто и вышел на улицу. 3. Уrром я убираю свою комнату, завтракаю и иду


на работу. 4.

Если у нее нет с собой зонтика, дайте ей ваш. 5. Наш секретарь




<хорошо знает свои обязанности. 6. Вы еще не сказали мне своего мнения о






v z


моей работе. 7. Идет доЖдь. Наденьте rшащ. 8. Возьмите, пожалуйста, свои деньги, я могу их потерять. 9. Он признает свои недостатки. 10. Не вмеши­ вайтесь не в свое дело. 11. Он надел шляпу и вышел. 12. Мы сняли пальто и

вошли в комнату. 13. Они не хотят видеть ваши рисунки, они хотят видеть

мои. 14. Вы можете очень хорошо обойтись без моей помощи, но не без их.

Demonstrative Pronouns

The demonstrative pronouns are tf1is ( these), that( those), the forтer, the latter, such, the sате.

The demonstrative pr·onounrefers to а rюun which has already been used.

This (these) refer to near things, events or persons:

This room is very coтfortaЬ/e. lt is very cold this winter.

This (these) are used:

а) for present or future situations:

/'т going to London this тonth.

Ь) to introduce people or when we introduce ourselves on the phone:

"Pete, this is Kate."

"Hel/o? This is Тот speaking."

That(those) refer to distant things, events or persons:

That Ьоу is туbrother.

We haven 't been to those p/aces.

That(those) are used:

а) for past situations:

We had а woпderful Christтas that year.

Ь) to refer back to something mentioned before:

"She failed her ехат. "- "That's too bad."

с) when speaking on the phone to ask who the other person is: "Hello? This is Ann. Who'sthat speaking?"

Both this (these) and that (those) are used as adjectives and pronouns:

This is the student that 1was /ooking for.


The former is used for the first of the two, the latterfor the second of the two:

Newton and Faraday were two great English scientists, the former lived in the 17th century, the latter in the 19th century.

Such means "so great" or "ofthat kind". lt was such а funny story!

The same is always used with the definite article: lt is а/1 the same to те.

We were in the same form.

А demonstrative pronoun may Ье used instead of а noun to save repetition:

Compare these maps with those оп the Ь/ackboard.


Exercise 1

Use the necessaty deшonstrative pronoun iп the following sentences.


book is шine. 2. 1 prefer ... flower to ... one. 3. Му English dictionary is

better than ... ofyours. 4.... is the filш we saw Iast year. 5.... will do! 6. Try one

of ...

pens. 6. TI1e шusic ofthe "Queen ofSpades" is тоге draшatic than ... of

the "Eugene Onegiп". 7. The stories Ьу O'Henry are as full oflife as

... writteп

Ьу Mark Twain. 8. Natшal rubber is of higher quality than ...


artificially. 9. " ... depeпds on the new timetaЬ!e," said one ofthe pupils. 10. Т11eir poetry was not ... of Byron and Shelley.

Exercise 11

Use that or those for the repeated поuп.

1. The trees in our garden are taller thaп the trees in the park. 2. The cliшate of Moscow is better thaп the cliшate of St Petersburg. 3. At our factory these are few шachines similar to the шachiпes described in this шagazine. 4. The price oftin is higher than the price of copper. 5. Read шу Ietter апd the Ietter оfшу sister. 6. Look through these magazines апd the шagazines received before. 7. Correct the mistakes made iп шу coшposition and the mistakes in your composition. 8. Сору the figures written iп this Iist апd the figures written in that list. 9. The vase on the shelf is more beautiful thaп the vase оп the taЬle. 1О. The mediciпe given me Ьу your doctor has helped me шuch better than the

mediciпe given me Ьу ту шother.

Exercise 111

Use one ofthe demonstrative proпouпs in the followiпg seпteпces.

1.She gave the ... answer as before. 2. What do you want те to do with ...?

3.Do you see ... bushes on the other side ofthe river? 4. Well, ... 's exactly what













1did. 5. Don't Ье in ... а hurry. 6. 1 believe you but there are ... who wouldn't.



о7.... is what I thought last year. 8. 1 can't find all the books you asked me for.

=1put ... 1found on your desk. 9.... is what 1want you to do. 1О. 1have divided the


books into two piles.... are to Ье kept.... are to Ье sold. 11. 1 have had ... а busy



morning. 12. Му seat was пехt to ... of Johп's mother. 13. "One сап't compare



<Chopin's waltzes with ... oftoday," she said. 14. Му services, ... as they are, are at


your disposal.










Exercise IV

Complete the sentences as in tl1e given models.

Mode/1 1 Give me another envelope. 1 don't Iike this (that) one. Give те some other peпcils. 1doп't like these (those).

Or: Will you kindly show me aпother dress? This one won't do. That опе won't do.

Let's choose а hat in another department...

Just sing another song, will you? ...

Let's listen to some other tunes ...

Model IJ 1 This is my dictionary and that one is yours.

These are ту books and those are not mine.

This is your cup of tea ...

These are your sandwiches .. .

These are my friend's g1oves .. .

This is my sister's bag ...

Exercise V

Translate into English.

1. Климат Италии лучше климата Англии. 2. Ваши ошибки хуже оши­ бок, сделанных вашим другом. 3. Он всегда приходит сюда в то же самое

время. 4. Таков был результат их спора. 5. В этот момент я увидела моего

друга в зале. 6. Он говорил ей о своей работе в больнице, а она рассказа­

ла ему, что она делала в тот день в университете. 7. Я занят в данный момент. 8. Эта книга моя, а та ваша. 9. В те первые августовские дни у меня бьmо малодел на работе. 10. Этотакой интересный роман! 11. В тот день я бьm болен и не ходил на лекции в университет. 12. Эти туфли мне

не подходят. Дайте мне те, пожалуйста. 13. Читайте тот же самый текст,

пожалуйста. 14. У меня никогда не было такой работы. 15. Зима в Анг­

лии более мягкая, чем зима на континенте. 16. Запах розы приятнее, чем

запах лилии. 17. Не трогай те игрушки, возьми игрушки в углу. 18. Мне

1нравятся такие маленькие города, как этот. 19. У нее длинные вьющиеся волосы. Я никогда не видел такие красивые волосы. 20. Я принес вам последние новости. Это самые важные новости.


Exercise Vl

Translate into English paying attention to the use of personal and demonstrative pronouns.

1. Чьи это туфли? - Это мои туфли. 2. Кто-то заглянул в комнату. Это

был мой сосед. 3. Когда я впервые увидел его, это был еще совсем моло­ дой человек. 4. Куда вы положили деньги?- Они в кошельке, на полке.

5. Вы помните ее? Она была очень веселая девушка. 6. Это были самые

красивые розы, какие я когда-либо видел. 7. Я получил все сведения,

которые вы мне послали. Они очень интересны. Но это еще не полные сведения. 8. На столе было много фруктов: они были в красивых вазах.

9. Что с вашими часами?- Они отстают на 5 минут. 10. Посмотрите, кто это? - Это один из наших студентов. Я его где-то видел. - Наверное на соревнованиях; это один из наших спортсменов. -Да, теперь я узнаю, это он. 11. Кто тнм? - Откройте, это я.

Exercise Vll

Translate into Eпglish.

1. Много лет тому назад в этом доме была библиотека. 2. Посмотрите на маленький дом с зеленой крышей на том берегу реки. 3. Они скоро едут в Польшу. Они думают, что им придется пробыть в этой стране около

года. 4. Он был в Китае несколько лет тому назад, но в то время он еще не знал китайского языка. 5. Это мои тетради, а это ваши. 6. Я не хочу ему звонить по телефону сейчас. Он всегда обедает в это время. 7. Возьмите

эти журналы на столе, но не берите те журналы на полке. 8. Как называ­

ются эти предложения? 9. Какого uвета те обои? 10. Это был 1810 год. В те дни в нашей стране не было железных дорог. 11. Это письмо от моего

старшего брата, которого я не видел полтора года. 12. Все эти проблемы

много раз обсуждались, но ни одна из них еще не решена.












lnterrogative Pronouns

lnterrogative pronouns who, whose, whom, what, which are used to form whQLJestions.

Who, what, whose, to whom, whom are used when asking about persons:

Who lives in this house? Whom did you speak to? Whose dictionary is tf1is?

What is Магу?- Магу is ап engineer.







Which is used when asking about а particularthing:

Which of the two stories do you prefer? Which is the tallest building in Moscow?








- '



What is used when asking about things in general:

What happened last week?


Exercise 1

~Fill in the Ьlanks with the pronouns who, whom, whose, what, which:


sleeps in this room?


сар is it? ...

did you me~;:t there? 2....

is your

sister? ... game do you prefer, tennis or volleyball? 3....

brother is Boris? ...

is he Ьу profession? 4. On ...

days do you take English lessons? ...

day is

more convenient for you, Tuesday or Wednesday? 5....

will help me? ... of

these girls is the youngest? 6....

is your telephone number? ...

pencil is this

Peter's or Helen's? 7....

are you drinking? ...

understands this rule? 8....

trees grow in your garden? ...

of you must I thank for this? 9....

gloves are

these? They are mine. 10....


shoes do you want to buy? 11 ....

ofthese cakes

may l take?








Exercise 11

lnsert interrogative pronouns:


colour is it to Ье, Ьlue or violet? 2....

do you think сап Ье entrusted with

this task? 3....

are your intentions for the summer? 4....

turn is it now? 5....


speaking? 6....

сап 1 do for you? 7....

does he do? Is he а lawyer? 8....

are you

laughing at? 9....

proЬlem are you working at now? 10. We serve coffee and tea

... would you like? 11 ....

of you did it?


would you 1ike to see as your










Exercise 111

Put questions to the words in bold type.

1.They are talking about the new opera. 2. They are talking about their friends.

3.1 have bought it for you. 4. Не looked for his bag. 5. 1 am looking at him.

6.They are talking about the international situation. 7. They are painters.

8.Не is waiting for me. 9. That book is mine. 10. These boys are my brothers.

11.1 rang up my sister. 12. The handbag is made ofleather. 13. The man asked for а cup oftea. 14. Не has bought а gold watch. 15. Не dictated the letter to the

secretary. 16. This te1egram is from my sister. 17. 1 spoke to the director about it. 18. The director's office is on the third floor. 19. The height ofthis bui1ding is one hundred metres. 20. This is my brother's dog.


Exercise IV

Translate into English.

1.Кто оставил словарь на столе? 2. Кого из них вы спрашивали об этом?

3.Кого вы ждете здесь? 4. На каком этаже вы живете? 5. Что мы будем

писать сегодня: диктант или грамматические упражнения? 6. Какой

месяц самый холодный в Москве? 7. Какой язык вы знаете лучше: анг­

лийский или немецкий? 8. Что вы предпочитаете: чай или кофе? 9. О чем

вы разговаривали, когда я вас встретил? 10. Кому вы дали свой словарь?

11.Какой из этих рассказов самый короткий? 12. Какого цвета эти обои?

13.Чья эта тетрадь? 14. Что вы думаете по этому вопросу? 15. Кто этот

молодой человек? Он студент. 16. Что вы хотите: сыр, масло или печенье?

17.Кто изобрел радио? 18. Какие журналы вы купили? 19. Кто знает адрес нашего учителя? 20. Кого вы спрашивали? 21. Кто из нашей груп­

пы написал диктант без ошибок?











Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns who, whose, whoт, which, that introduce attributive clauses. Who and whom are used when referring to persons and animals:

The Ьоу who is speaking to те now was туpupil before. The first girl whoт 1saw was Alice.

Whose is used when referring to persons, animals or things:

Those trees whose branches are /ong /ook /ove/y.

Which is used only when referring to animals or things:

Where is the article which you have translated?

Thatis used instead of which. lt may referto persons and things: lt is the тost interesting book that 1have ever read.

The student that wrote the letter was his friend.

As is used as а relative pronoun after sате and such and may refer to living beings and things:

1have the sате opinion as you have.

Note. The relative pronoun is sometimes omitted as being understood:

This is the student 1told you about. ( This is the student that 1told youabout).