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Years of Growth

  • because the land was becoming scarcer and expensive, people set off for new territories between Appalachians an Mississippi River where Amerindians used to live

  • Amerindians were uncivilized – government failed in making treaties with them

  • 1830 – law called the “Indian Removal Act” to move them further west to Indian territory beyond the Miss. River – support of President Andrew Jackson (“Old Hickory”)

  • although many Indians started to live in European way of life, they were driven away

  • 1838 – “The Trial of Tears” – in cold winter thousands of Cherokees were moved west (in 5 months 4 000 of them died)

  • new western lands were organized for settlement, divided into “townships” and “sections” and sold at auctions

  • land between Appalachians and Miss. River was divided (boundary The Ohio River) – Northwest and Southwest territory

  • Northwest territory: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin

  • when the number of white males living there reached 5 000, they could elect its own law- making body and send a representative to Congress, when it reached 60 000 – it became a new state

  • War of 1812 – British ships blocked American ports and cut off the import of European goods

  • US realized it was important to start producing own goods in order of future safety and prosperity of the country

  • English mechanic Samuel Slater memorized the construction of cotton spinning machine and brought it to US – with a partner, businessman Moses Brown they built 1st cotton mill (at Pawtucket, Rhode Island)

West to the Pacific

  • beyond the western boundary of US, Miss. R., was Louisiana which belonged to France

  • Napoleon needed money for war with Britain – sold it for 15 million dollars to US which doubled their area

  • 1804 – 1806 expedition sent by President Thomas Jefferson led by Lewis and Clark showed that the journey to the Pacific coast was possible

  • lands beyond Louisiana, Oregon, belonged to Russia, Spain, Britain and US – government persuaded Americans to starts farms in Oregon and outnumber British there

  • by ships around the South America (long time, expensive) or on the “Oregon Trail” by land

  • “manifest destiny” – US territory should stretch from Atlantic to Pacific

  • US took over Oregon and after war with Mexico (1848) the area of Texas, California, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, Nevada and New Mexico

North and South

  • in the beginning of 19th century – over 1 million black slaves in the US

  • North – against slavery, persuaded Congress to make buying new slaves illegal,

  • South – defend slavery, for slaves were working on farms with rice, tobacco and cotton

  • “Missouri Compromise” – slavery was banned in lands west from Missouri

  • disputes whether new lands such as Oregon should allow slavery

  • Congress passed a law – easier for southerners to recapture escaped slaves – a group of “bounty hunters” who hunted slaves for “bounty” reward was created

  • northerners were angered, helped them to escape to Canada – “Underground Railroad”

  • after Congress cancelled the Missouri Compromise, both groups met in Kansas where fighting and killing began – “Bloody Kansas”

  • Supreme court said even free states had no right to forbid slavery – opponents of it formed the Republican Party with Abraham Lincoln and although they lost elections to Douglas (Democrats) they impressed many people, Lincoln was chosen as a candidate in next elections

  • South believed North was preparing to use force to end slavery

  • Lincoln won the elections – 1860 – South Carolina and 10 more states announced they are an independent nation called Confederacy – the civil war was about to begin

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