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Twentieth century americans

A War and a Peace

  • when the World War I. started in Europe – US tried to keep out of it

  • difficult – weapon trade between US and Allies grew, Germany wanted to stop this flow – destroy of ship “Lusitania”

  • President Wilson appealed to European to stop the war make a “peace without victory”

  • April, 2, 1917 – US declared war to Germany (no choice - it continued in sinking US ships)

  • American army was a small force of only 200 000 soldiers and recruiting took time – Germany began an offensive against the French in British – they were in danger

  • August 1918 – US troops arrived at battlefront and attacked back

  • Nov 1918 – G. gave up – President Wilson and Clemenceau argued about new peace treaty

  • Wilson – outlined his ideas in “Fourteen Points” – G. should be treated fairly to not start a war of revenge one day

  • Clemenceau – G. has to be made so weak to not have the strength to ever fight again

  • Versailles Treaty – G. got the blame for the war and had to pay millions dollars for damages

  • after his disappointment, Wilson wanted to set up a “League of Nations” – representatives of the nations would discuss their problems without fighting; but he didn’t persuade Americans and Congress to accept it (fear that US would be involved in quarrels out of their business)

The Roaring Twenties

  • 1920s – US was very rich – plenty of raw materials, factories producing more and more goods (new consumer goods – refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, radios…), high national income

  • good wages, buying goods through “installment plan” (pay deposit and rest in installments)

  • government controlled by Republican Party – believed that if they looked after interests of businessmen, everybody would become rich – placed high taxes on imported goods to make them expensive and lessen the competition for US manufacturers

  • still many poor citizens – low wages, farmers had to pay a lot for land to the owner, problems with selling – Europe needed less food than before

  • by 1924 – over 600 000 farmers were bankrupt

  • sales of consumer goods were raising – profit for the shares owners in industrial companies

  • American silent movies were made in large studios

  • 1919 – 18th amendment to the Constitution – prohibited making and selling alcohol drinks in US – illegal taverns “speakeasies” which obtained alcohol supplies from criminals

(“bootleggers”) like Al Capone from Chicago

  • most Americans regarded it as a joke and respect to laws grew smaller – after Prohibition was given up, sign that law-breaking was easy and became a habit for many of them

Crash and Depression

  • buying shares on credit (“on the margin”) had become almost a national hobby - borrow money from bank, buy shares, sell them at higher price and make a quick profit

  • by 1929, profits of companies had been decreasing – more and more people began to sell the shares and, so their prices started to fall – panic

  • “Black Thursday” - 13 mill shares were sold, “Terrifying Tuesday” – 16,5 mill

  • people were soon ruined, committed suicide – collapse of share prices “Wall Street Crash”

  • the Crash affected sales in US as well as in Europe

  • too many products for no buyers – stop employing in factories, reduce of production

  • after 2 yrs 8 mill Americans were unemployed – without any government unemployment pay, only could get some food in “breadlines” where they had to wait for hours

  • farmers also sold the crops in lowest possible prices because there were no buyers

  • people didn’t believe President Hoover – Franklin Roosevelt came onto the scene

  • Roosevelt promised a “New Deal” – government should at least try to fight with Depression

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