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книги / English for Aerospace Engineering

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VI. Read the text and complete it with the necessary words.

(Проектирование) of a flight vehicle can be (разделить) into (пять этапов). Phase one is a (анализ рынка) to (определить) (заказчики) specifications. The (требования заказчика) are established and then (передаются) to the (группе концептуального дизайна). (Группа концептуального дизайна) determines the vehicle’s (размер и конфигурацию). Parameters include (дальность полета, скорость, лобовое сопротивление, требуемую мощность, полезную нагрузку, а также взлетную и посадочную дистанции). Phase three is the (предварительного) design phase. Phase four, the (детального проектирования) phase, involves construction of a (прототипа). (Макеты в натуральную величину) are built of (картона, дерева). The final phase concerns (летных испытаний прототипа). (Инженеры) and (летчики испытатели) work together to assure that the vehicle is (безопасен).

VII. Summarize the knowledge about the design of a flight vehicle.

Unit 4. Branches of Aerospace Engineering

I. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

Streamlined [ˈstriːmlaɪnd], escalate [ˈeskəleɪt], lull [lʌl], prediction [prɪˈdɪkʃ(ə)n], airfoil [ˈeəfɔɪl], windmill [ˈwɪn(d)mɪl].

II. Read the text and complete it with the necessary words.



resistance communication impact


Branches of aerospace engineering

The aerospace engineer is armed with an extensive background suitable for employment in most positions traditionally occupied by mechanical engineers as well as limited positions in the other various engineering disciplines. The transportation, construction, (1) ______, and energy industries provide the most opportunities for non aerospace applications.

Because land and sea vehicles are designed for (2) ______ speed and efficiency, the aerospace engineer has become a prominent member of the design teams. Because up to half of the power required to propel a vehicle is due to the (3) _______ of the air, the configuration design of low drag automobiles,


trains, and boats offers better speed and fuel economy. The presence of the aerospace engineer in the automobile industry is evident from the streamlined

(4) _______ of cars and trucks that evolved during the late 20th century, at a time when gasoline prices were escalating and the aerospace industry was in a lull. Airline companies employ engineers as performance analysts, crash investigators, and consultants.

The construction of large towers, buildings, and bridges requires predictions of aerodynamic (5) _____ and the creation of an optimum design to minimize these forces. The consideration of aerodynamic forces of flat surfaces such as the side of a building or superstructure is not new. In 1910 Alexandre Gustave Eiffel achieved remarkable experimental results measuring the wind resistance of a flat plate, using the Eiffel Tower as a test platform.

Many companies benefit not from the advanced hardware developments of aerospace technology but by the understanding and application of aerospace methodology. Companies engaged in satellite communications require an understanding of orbital mechanics, trajectories, acceleration forces, and aerodynamic heating and an overall knowledge of the spacecraft industry. Advanced aerodynamic design of airfoils and rotor systems is applied in an effort to improve the efficiency of propellers, windmills, and turbine engines. The

(6) _____ of aerospace technology has trickled down to many companies engaged in the research and development of flight simulation, automatic controls, materials, dynamics, robotics, medicine, and other high technology fields.

https://www.britannica.com/technology/aerospace engineering


be armed with — иметь на вооружении, иметь в своём распоряжении streamlined [ˈstriːmlaɪnd] — обтекаемый

escalate [ˈeskəleɪt] — обострять, обостряться, подниматься lull [lʌl] — затишье, временное затишье

prediction [prɪˈdɪkʃ(ə)n] — прогноз, предсказание

airfoil [ˈeəfɔɪl] — аэродинамический, крыло, аэродинамическая поверхность windmill [ˈwɪn(d)mɪl] — ветряная мельница, ветряк, вертолет

trickle down — просачиваться вниз; стекать

reluctance [rɪˈlʌkt(ə)ns] — физ. магнитное сопротивление inconspicuous [ɪnkənˈspɪkjʊəs] — незаметный, неприметный causal [ˈkɔːz(ə)l] — причинный, каузальный


III.Scan the text to determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1)The aerospace engineer is armed with a narrow background suitable for employment in few positions.

2)The transportation, construction, communication, and energy industries hold back the most opportunities for aerospace applications.

3)Because land and sea vehicles aren’t designed for fixed speed and efficiency, the aerospace engineer has become an inconspicuous member of the design teams.

4)Because up to half of the power required to propel a vehicle is causal the resistance of the air, the configuration design of high drag automobiles, trains, and boats offers better speed and fuel economy.

5)The presence of the aerospace engineer in the automobile industry isn’t


6)Airline companies ignore engineers as performance analysts, crash stuntman, and consultants.

7)The construction of large towers, buildings requires predictions of aerodynamic forces and the creation of a design to maximize these forces.

8)Many companies damage not from the advanced hardware developments of aerospace technology but by the understanding and application of aviation methodology.

9)Companies engaged in satellite communications require an interest in orbital mechanics, trajectories, acceleration forces, and aerodynamic heating.

10)The weakness of aerospace technology has trickled down to many companies engaged in the research and development of flight simulation, automatic controls, materials, dynamics, robotics, medicine, and other low technology fields.

IV. Find synonyms.




































due to



10. evident




11. employ



12. prediction



13. minimize

m) possibility

14. benefit

n) reduce

15. interest

o) remarkable

16. impact

p) velocity

17. lull

q) break

V. Find antonyms.






















hold (back)


due to















10) benefit



11) impact



VI. Complete the sentences with the words from exercise IV.

1)The storm __ed extensive damage.

2)Studying abroad provides a great __ to learn a foreign language.

3)The website __s information about local activities.

4)That day remains __ in my memory.

5)Keep your __ down.

6)Our __ are winning.

7)It __s careful consideration.

8)Visibility was bad __ low cloud.

9)He is a foreigner, as is __ from his accent.

10)They __ a total of 150 staff.

11)The __ seems to have come true.

12)Let's __ the risk.

13)We need to assess the __ on climate change.

VII. Find English equivalents in the text.

Аэрокосмический инженер, вооружен, обширный опыт, инженер меха ник, возможности, поскольку, наземные и морские транспортные средства,


до половины мощности, сопротивление воздуха, низкое лобовое сопротив ление, экономия топлива, очевидно, обтекаемые формы, аэродинамические силы, минимизация сил, плоские поверхности, испытательная платформа, спутниковая связь, высокотехнологичные области.

VIII. Ask questions to the sentences.

1.The aerospace engineer is armed with an extensive background suitable for employment in most positions. What background is the aerospace engineer armed with?

2.The transportation, construction, communication, and energy industries provide the most opportunities for non aerospace applications.

3.Because land and sea vehicles are designed for optimum speed and efficiency, the aerospace engineer has become a prominent member of the design teams.

4.Airline companies employ engineers as performance analysts, crash investigators, and consultants.

5.The construction of large towers, buildings, and bridges requires predictions of aerodynamic forces and the creation of an optimum design to minimize these forces.

6.Many companies benefit not from the advanced hardware developments of aerospace technology but by the understanding and application of aerospace methodology.

7.Companies engaged in satellite communications require an understan ding of orbital mechanics, trajectories, acceleration forces, and aerodynamic heating and an overall knowledge of the spacecraft industry.

IX. Work in pairs. Let your partner answer your questions.

X. Summarize information about the aerospace engineering industries.

Unit 5. Rocket

I. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

Propellant [prəˈpel(ə)nt], oxidizer ['ɔksidaizə], rearward [ˈrɪəwəd], ejection [ɪˈdʒekʃ(ə)n], momentum [məˈmentəm], derive [dɪˈraɪv], condensed [kənˈdenst], elevated [ˈelɪveɪtɪd], takeoff [ˈteɪˌkɒf], inert [ɪˈnɜːt], extend [ɪkˈstend].


II. Read the text and complete it with the necessary words.

board payload physical combustion products

Rocket, any of a type of jet propulsion device carrying either solid or liquid propellants that provide both the fuel and oxidizer required for (1) ______.

The rocket differs from the turbojet and other “air breathing” engines in that all of the exhaust jet consists of the gaseous combustion products of “propellants” carried on (2) _______. Like the turbojet engine, the rocket develops thrust by the rearward ejection of mass at very high velocity.

The fundamental (3) ______ principle involved in rocket propulsion was formulated by Sir Isaac Newton. According to his third law of motion, the rocket experiences an increase in momentum proportional to the momentum carried away in the exhaust.

Most rockets derive their energy in thermal form by combustion of condensed phase propellants at elevated pressure. The gaseous combustion

(4)_______ are exhausted through the nozzle that converts most of the thermal energy to kinetic energy. The maximum amount of energy available is limited to that provided by combustion or by practical considerations imposed by the high temperature involved.

A technique called multiple staging is used in many missions to minimize the size of the takeoff vehicle. A launch vehicle carries a second rocket as its

(5)_______, to be fired after burnout of the first stage (which is left behind). In this way, the inert components of the first stage are not carried to final velocity, with the second stage thrust being more effectively applied to the payload. Most spaceflights use at least two stages. The strategy is extended to more stages in missions calling for very high velocities. The U.S. Apollo manned lunar missions used a total of six stages.

https://www.britannica.com/technology/rocket jet propulsion device and vehicle

ACTIVE WORDS propellant [prəˈpel(ə)nt] ракетное топливо oxidizer ['ɔksidaizə] — окислитель

rearward [ˈrɪəwəd] — обратный, направленный или направляющийся назад ejection [ɪˈdʒekʃ(ə)n] — физ. испускание; выбрасывание

momentum [məˈmentəm] — импульс, момент, толчок, инерция derive [dɪˈraɪv] — получать, выводить, происходить, извлекать

condensed [kənˈdenst] — конденсированный, сгущенный, уплотненный elevated [ˈelɪveɪtɪd] — возвышенный, высокий, поднятый

takeoff [ˈteɪˌkɒf] — взлет, подъем, отрыв от земли


payload [ˈpeɪləʊd] — полезная нагрузка inert [ɪˈnɜːt] — физ. инертный; неактивный

extend [ɪkˈstend] — распространять, расширять

III.Scan the text to determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1)Rocket, any of a type of jet propulsion device carrying only solid propellants.

2)The exhaust jet consists of the gaseous combustion products of “propellants” carried on board.

3)The rocket develops drag by the rearward ejection of mass at very high


4)The fundamental physical principle involved in rocket propulsion was formulated by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

5)According to his third law of motion, the rocket experiences an increase in momentum proportional to the momentum carried away in the exhaust.

6)Most rockets give away their energy in thermal form by combustion of condensed phase propellants at elevated pressure.

7)The gaseous combustion products are exhausted through the fan that converts most of the thermal energy to kinetic energy.

8)A technique called multiple staging is used in many missions to maximize the size of the takeoff vehicle.

9)A launch vehicle carries a second rocket as its payload, to be fired after burnout of the first stage.

10)The U.S. Apollo manned Mars missions used a total of six stages.

IV. Find English equivalents in the text.

Тип реактивного двигателя, твердое или жидкое топливо, окислитель, сгорание, выхлопная струя, газообразные продукты сгорания, перевозимого на борту, увеличение импульса, конденсированная фаза, повышенное давление, тепловая энергия, кинетическая энергия, многоступенчатость, полезная нагрузка, две ступени, высокие скорости.

V.Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text.

1)Rocket is carrying

2)All of the rocket exhaust jet consists

3)The rocket develops thrust

4)The fundamental physical principle involved in rocket propulsion was formulated


5)The rocket experiences an increase in momentum proportional

6)The gaseous combustion products are exhausted

7)A multiple staging technique is used in many missions

8)A launch vehicle carries a second rocket

9)In this way, the inert components of the first stage are not carried

10)With the second stage thrust is more effectively applied

11)Most spaceflights use at least

a)as its payload, to be fired after burnout of the first stage.

b)by Sir Isaac Newton.

c)by the rearward ejection of mass at very high velocity.

d)either solid or liquid propellants.

e)of the gaseous combustion products of “propellants” carried on board.

f)through the nozzle that converts most of the thermal energy to kinetic


g)to final velocity.

h)to minimize the size of the takeoff vehicle.

i)to the momentum carried away in the exhaust.

j)to the payload.

k)two stages.

VI. Take a look at the cross section views of liquid and solid propellant rockets; read the text to understand the functions of rocket parts, and give your comments on one of the type.

Cross section views of liquid and solid propellant rockets.


Rockets that employ chemical propellants come in different forms, but all share analogous basic components. These are a combustion chamber where condensed phase propellants are converted to hot gaseous reaction products, a nozzle to accelerate the gas to high exhaust velocity, propellant containers, a means of feeding the propellants into the combustion chamber, a structure to support and protect the parts, and various guidance and control devices.

VII. Read the text and complete it with the necessary words.

Rocket is a jet propulsion device carrying either (твердое или жидкое топливо). All of the rocket (выхлопная струя) (состоит из) the (газообразных продуктов сгорания «топлива») carried (на борту). The (фундаментальный физический принцип) involved in rocket propulsion (был сформулирован) by (Сэр Исаак Ньютон). (Согласно его третьему закону движения), the (ракета) experiences an (увеличение импульса) proportional to the (импульсу) carried away in the (выхлоп). (Большинство ракет) (получают) their (энергию) in (термической форме) by (сгорания) of condensed phase propellants at (повышенном давлении). The (газообразные продукты сгорания) are exhausted through the (сопло) that converts the (тепловой энергии) to (кинетическую энергию). A technique called (многоступенчатость) is used in many (миссиях) to (минимизировать) the size of the (взлетной машины). The inert components of the (первой ступени) are not carried to (конечной скорости), with the (второй ступени) (тяга) being more effectively applied to the (полезную нагрузку).

VIII. Read the text and complete it with the necessary words.






The unique features of rockets that make them useful include the following:

1.Rockets can operate in space as well as in the (1) ______ of Earth.

2.They can be built to deliver very high (2) _______ (a modern heavy space booster has a takeoff thrust of 3,800 kilonewtons).

3.The propulsion (3) ________ can be relatively simple.

4.It can be kept in a ready to fire (4)________.

5.Small rockets can be fired from a variety of launch (5) ________, ranging from packing crates to shoulder launchers to aircraft.

https://www.britannica.com/technology/rocket jet propulsion device and vehicle


Unit 6. Missile System

I. Give the definition of “Rocket and Missile System”. Make up a sentence.

Rocket and missile system, ||of weapons systems ||that || any of a variety || explosive warheads || deliver || by means of ||rocket propulsion ||to their targets

II. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

Matter [ˈmætə], restrictive [rɪˈstrɪktɪv], medium [ˈmiːdɪəm], immediate [ɪˈmiːdɪət], ballistic [bəˈlɪstɪk], strategic [strəˈtiːdʒɪk], arcing [ˈɑːrkɪŋ], adjustment [əˈdʒʌs(t)m(ə)nt], guidance [ˈɡaɪd(ə)ns].

III. Scan the text to answer questions.

Rocket is a general term used broadly to describe a variety of jet propelled missiles in which forward motion results from reaction to the rearward ejection of matter (usually hot gases) at high velocity. The propulsive jet of gases usually consists of the combustion products of solid or liquid propellants.

In a more restrictive sense, rocket propulsion is a unique member of the family of jet propulsion engines that includes turbojet, pulse jet, and ramjet systems. The rocket engine is different from these in that the elements of its propulsive jet (that is, the fuel and oxidizer) are self contained within the vehicle. Therefore, the thrust produced is independent of the medium through which the vehicle travels, making the rocket engine capable of flight beyond the atmosphere or propulsion underwater. The turbojet, pulse jet, and ramjet engines, on the other hand, carry only their fuel and depend on the oxygen content of the air for burning. For this reason, these varieties of jet engine are called air breathing and are limited to operation within the Earth’s atmosphere.

A rocket engine is a self contained (i.e., non air breathing) propulsion system of the type described above, while the term rocket refers to any free flight (unguided) missile of the types used since the beginning of rocketry. A guided missile is broadly any military missile that is capable of being guided or directed to a target after having been launched. Tactical guided missiles are shorter ranged weapons designed for use in the immediate combat area. Long range, or strategic, guided missiles are of two types, cruise and ballistic. Cruise missiles are powered by air breathing engines that provide almost continuous propulsion along a low, level flight path. A ballistic missile is propelled by a rocket engine for only the first part of its flight; for the rest of the flight the unpowered missile