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книги / How to Write a Research Paper in English

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Exercise 4. Give synonyms to the following words and word combinations.


Conclusion. Academic writing. Restate.

Explore the problem. Effective.

Draw a parallel. Succeed.

Core idea. Samples. Reveal the truth.

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1.Заключение представляет собой завершающий абзац или несколько абзацев, в которых обобщаются (резюмируются) основные моменты исследования.

2.Аннотация размещается в начале работы, в ней кратко излагаются полученные результаты, но студент должен составить ее после того, как остальные подразделы, включая заключение, будут готовы.

3.Если студент хочет узнать, как написать заключительный абзац для исследовательской работы, он должен провести параллель между заключением и введением.

4.Истина заключается в том, что, учась на примерах других людей, мы можем стать более опытными и написать лучшую статью.

5.Этачастьпредопределяетнаправлениезаключительногоподраздела, таккак она оценивает, как полученные результаты отвечают на основной вопрос исследования иобъясняютих значимостьдля имеющихся в данной области знаний.

Exercise 6. Give Russian equivalents for the following phrases

1.An outline of the paper … .

2.The research paper conclusion … .

3.It is not a regular school essay … .

4.There is no way to develop an abstract without … .

5.These definitions will help to understand how … .

6.The part that contains study results … .


a) you need pay attention to the abstract, introduction, and results;
b) a thesis statement and all of the ideas of the paper;
c) to remain neutral concerning the participants if the study contains comparisons;
d) a student will not succeed with the assignment;
e) to compose the conclusion in the thirdperson voice or describe everything using the first-person voice;
f) the thesis statement mentioned in the beginning.

7.Reveal the research findings … .

8.Relevance to the current knowledge … .

9.Ccompose the conclusion in the third-person voice … .

Exercise 7. Match the beginnings of the phrases in the left column with their counterparts from the right one.

1. In conclusion, a writer should restate…

2. Without having a clear idea of the way introduction and the rest of the work’s pats should look like…

3. If you wish to learn how to write an effective conclusion for a research paper…

4. The closing section restates…

5. The best way to write a conclusion for a research paper is…

6. A team/single student may decide…

Exercise 8. Read and translate the following text.

In the Conclusion section, state the most important outcome of your work. Do not simply summarize the points already made in the body ‒ instead, interpret your findings at a higher level of abstraction. Show whether, or to what extent, you have succeeded in addressing the need stated in the Introduction. At the same time, do not focus on yourself (for example, by restating everything you did). Rather, show what your findings mean to readers. Make the Conclusion interesting and memorable for them.

At the end of your Conclusion, consider including perspectives ‒ that is, an idea of what could or should still be done in relation to the issue addressed in the paper. If you include perspectives, clarify whether you are referring to firm plans for yourself and your colleagues ("In the coming months, we will …") or to an invitation to readers ("One remaining question is …").

If your paper includes a well-structured Introduction and an effective abstract, you need not repeat any of the Introduction in the Conclusion. In particular, do not restate


what you have done or what the paper does. Instead, focus on what you have found and, especially, on what your findings mean. Do not be afraid to write a short Conclusion section: If you can conclude in just a few sentences given the rich discussion in the body of the paper, then do so. In other words, resist the temptation to repeat material from the Introduction just to make the Conclusion longer under the false belief that a longer Conclusion will seem more impressive.

Exercise 9. Write a paragraph concluding the results of your study.



Exercise 1. Read the text and determine the main goal a research paper abstract.


An investigation project is the next level of academic writing students face after they graduate from university. It is an expanded assignment reflecting a student's explanation/vision and analysis of the argument. Without knowing how to write an abstract for a research paper, it is impossible to pass this learning stage successfully. An abstract is an integral part of such writing.

The main goal of an investigation essay is to evaluate a perspective or argue an idea showing the writer’s skills and an overall understanding of the topic.

What is an abstract for a research paper? Abstract for research paper writing is a concise, clear summary of a lengthy project, which delivers the content, main idea, and scope of the text through defining the purpose, methods, results, and conclusion. It should not take more than 1/3 of a page (about 250–300 words). It is not a manuscript.

Writing and vocabulary skills are the secondary skills a student needs to master how to write a good abstract for a research paper. The primary skill to test is the ability to investigate the problem. The research paper abstract examines the student’s skills to prepare a clear, concise summary of ten or more pages without missing any important details.

From an abstract of the major aspects, the reader should decide whether the explored problem matters to society and his life in particular. It makes the mission challenging. Remember to describe what you did instead of summarizing the subject.

Example: if a student decides to explore the topic titled “Unemployment in the local region,” he / she should describe the study conducted to determine the main causes of the problem and possible solutions. Do not discuss what unemployment is.

To understand how to write an abstract for a scientific research paper discover the obligatory elements of a research paper abstract. Discipline and topic may be different. The elements of a research paper abstract (an outline) are the same no matter what type of problem a writer observes:

An objective of an abstract is an introduction to the investigation on the chosen issue, which explains the significance of the study. It is the author’s motivation.

Methods – focus on the techniques used to explore and dig deeper into the problem. Those are various tools and professional equipment. An abstract contains the same


elements the rest of the project has, and methods correspond to the Methodology section (body) of the work. The approaches depend on the topic, expertise, and skills of the writer. Examples:

Hard/social science refers to the short, clear interpretation of the steps taken to accomplish the investigation.

The service project is the one that explains the services applied during the investigation.

Visual / performing arts project discuss the media used to help during the entire investigation process.

Results are a self-explanatory part of the abstract for a research paper. The purpose of the section is to specify the findings or consequences of the study; if the study is in the process include preliminary outcomes or hypothesis (forecasts).

In conclusion, the writer has to summarize the outcomes and interpret them one-by-one. Secret Tips and Tricks for Writing a Great Abstract for Publishing

Remember any bookstore. You look over hundreds of books. But take only a few books. And after studying a brief content – stop your choice on one of them. It is only one book that has overcome a crazy competition. This is the power of abstracts. They serve as a kind of “talking filter”, which tells you which text deserves attention, which book to buy, which edition will be interesting.

How to make it so that this “filter” promotes your texts? It is much easier than you think. It is necessary to create such abstracts that will attract the attention of readers, to enthrall and stimulate them to study a particular publication.

You need to completely change your view of research paper abstracts. To forever remove from your presentation boring, empty and lifeless little texts "about anything and everything in a row."

An abstract is an advertisement for your text. It would seem: "Where is the summary, and where is the advertisement." However, the summary is a specific advertisement for a text or a book. It depends on it whether the reader wants to spend his or her valuable time studying the material, or he/she will prefer another publication. An abstract presents text. Its task is to convince a person to read it immediately from beginning to end.

Then, why not apply the same techniques and methods of the belief that are used when writing the advertising text for their compilation. Let's try?

5 Tricks to Grab Attention

1. Segmentation.

Get rid of any “blurring” when handling. Try to clearly identify the audience. Who will be interested in your piece of writing? Who, after reading it will get the maximum benefit?


Good example:

It will be of interest to owners of websites, blogs, leading email newsletters, users of social networks (from the annotations to the book "Content, marketing, and rock and roll").

Let's spoil a good example:

It will be of interest to all active Internet users and owners of web-resources who want to freely navigate in the world of creating selling content.

2. Concrete.

Concreteness always overcomes generalized information and makes any message clear and believable. Use specifics in writing abstracts (do not say “flower” if you can say “rose”). Let the reader be eager to read the text.

Compare: In this article, the brilliant David Ogilvy reveals 7 secrets to writing effective headlines. In this article, the famous American entrepreneur and copywriter talks about creating effective headlines.

3. Uniqueness.

Stop copying and imitating. If all the abstracts become similar to each other, then the reader’s choice will turn into a “game of roulette”. Do you consider yourself a lucky person? How often will this choice be based on your “creations”? Be unique, and the reader will appreciate it. For example, The book contains a collection of special techniques.

Add "personality": The paper contains a unique collection of top-secret tricks and techniques that you have never heard of.

4. Simple words.

Pay attention to the associations that cause some words (symposium, use, analyze, etc.). This may be negative, time-consuming, complexity. Before you write a word, think about whether it is possible to say simpler, shorter and more specific.

5. Tell how the reader will benefit if reading your research.

Try not just to specify the characteristics or to describe the article, but to name the specific benefits of reading. What will the reader get after studying the article/book?

Control the emotional flow when writing an abstract for a research paper. It is critical to dedicate a few words to the things a writer should not do.

Abbreviations (if you add them, make sure to explain each one).

Fluff (make it brief and straight-to-the-point).

Visual elements (pictures, charts, graphs, etc.).

Incomplete sentences / thoughts.

Slang, jargon words, filthy language, or jokes.

Overwhelmed background details.


New information a writer did not mention in the project.

Journal references or citations.

Confusing terminology.

Useless details.

A common mistake regarding research paper abstracts is writing them the same way you would write the rest of a project. Besides some elements that your abstract has to contain, you should avoid some things. The primary thing to do is to define the problem and tell the goal of the study without starting with trivial things like, “In my study, I planned to…”. Avoid obvious phrases! Add a thesis statement/hypothesis after that. List the equipment and tools used to carry out investigation and summarize the main points of the Results and Discussion (R&D) section. Do not go into the details. Provide a shortened version of the conclusion (make it 1-2 sentences maximum) when writing the abstract for a research paper.

Writing the abstract for the research paper is the smallest portion of your assignment. Still, it may take plenty of time: this section matters more than the rest of the project because it pre determines whether the topic will be interesting for the readers or not. By having a look at the abstract, a person should decide whether to read the whole text. That’s why you need to include some eye-catching keywords for the reader to have a wish to learn more about your project. An ability to choose the right keywords for your title matters much, especially, if you are preparing an abstract for publishing.

Exercise 2. Translate the following words and word combinations.

An investigation project. An expanded assignment. An argument.

An integral part.

To evaluate a perspective. To argue an idea.


Overall understanding. A concise.

A concise, clear summary. To deliver the main idea. To examine.




Professional equipment.

To refer.

Clear interpretation.

To specify the consequences of the study.

To summarize the outcomes.

A brief content.


To grab attention.

To get rid.

Useless details.

Exercise 3. Make up word combinations with the words: to research, an abstract, to unterpret, concrete, unique, to avoid, effective.

Exercise 4. Give synonyms to the following words and word combinations.

A research paper.

A shortened version. A goal. Information. Step-by-step.

Eye-catching keywords.

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1.Аннотация научной статьи ‒ это краткое, ясное резюме, в котором излагается содержание, основнаяцель, методы, результатыивыводыисследовательскойработы.

2.Навыки письма и лексические навыки ‒ это второстепенные навыки, необходимые студенту, чтобы овладеть тем, как написать хорошую аннотацию к исследовательской работе.

3.Исходя из основных аспектов, указанных в аннотации, читатель должен решить, имеет ли исследуемая проблема значение для общества в целом и для его жизни в частности.

4.Подходы зависят от темы, экспертной оценки и навыков автора.

5.Задача аннотации ‒ убедить человека прочитать статью сразу от начала до



a) the topic, expertise, and skills of the writer;
b) an advertisement for your text; c) and makes any message clear and
d) it is impossible to pass this learning stage successfully;
e) your view of research paper abstracts; f) he should describe the study conducted to determine the main causes of the
problem and possible solutions.

Exercise 6. Paraphrase or give synonyms to the italicized and underlined words or word combinations in the text.

Exercise 7. Give Russian equivalents for the following phrases. An objective of an abstract.

Get the maximum benefit. It will be of interest to… . Stop copying and imitating. Confusing terminology. Avoid obvious phrases!

An ability to choose the right keywords.

Exercise 8. Match the beginnings of the phrases in the left column with their counterparts from the right one.

1. Without knowing how to write an abstract for a research paper… .

2. If a student decides to explore the topic… .

3. The approaches depend on… .

4. You need to completely change…

5. An abstract is… .

6. Concreteness always overcomes generalized information… .

Exercise 9. Translate the following text Russian into English in writing.


The readers of a scientific paper read the abstract for two purposes: to decide whether they want to (acquire and) read the full paper, and to prepare themselves for the details presented in that paper. An effective abstract helps readers achieve these two purposes. In particular, because it is typically read before the full paper, the abstract should present what the readers are primarily interested in; that is, what they want to know first of all and most of all.


Typically, readers are primarily interested in the information presented in a paper's Introduction and Conclusion sections. Primarily, they want to know the motivation for the work presented and the outcome of this work. Then (and only then) the most specialized among them might want to know the details of the work. Thus, an effective abstract focuses on motivation and outcome; in doing so, it parallels the paper's Introduction and Conclusion.

Accordingly, you can think of an abstract as having two distinct parts ‒ motivation and outcome ‒even if it is typeset as a single paragraph. For the first part, follow the same structure as the Introduction section of the paper: State the context, the need, the task, and the object of the document. For the second part, mention your findings (the what) and, especially, your conclusion (the so what ‒ that is, the interpretation of your findings); if appropriate, end with perspectives, as in the Conclusion section of your paper.

Although the structure of the abstract parallels the Introduction and Conclusion sections, it differs from these sections in the audience it addresses. The abstract is read by many different readers, from the most specialized to the least specialized among the target audience. In a sense, it should be the least specialized part of the paper. Any scientist reading it should be able to understand why the work was carried out and why it is important (context and need), what the authors did (task) and what the paper reports about this work (object of the document), what the authors found (findings), what these findings mean (the conclusion), and possibly what the next steps are (perspectives). In contrast, the full paper is typically read by specialists only; its Introduction and Conclusion are more detailed (that is, longer and more specialized) than the abstract.

An effective abstract stands on its own ‒ it can be understood fully even when made available without the full paper. To this end, avoid referring to figures or the bibliography in the abstract. Also, introduce any acronyms the first time you use them in the abstract (if needed), and do so again in the full paper.

Exercise 10. Write an abstract of your research paper.