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Книги по МРТ КТ на английском языке / Les R. Folio-Chest Imaging An Algorithmic Approach to Learning 2012.pdf
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1 Introduction, Development of the Algorithm, RoboChest Introduction, Additional Tools

master effective Chest X-Ray (CXR) interpretation, and provide a launching platform for chest imaging in general. I hope you enjoy this book and the algorithmic format for learning chest imaging.


1. “Squire’s Fundamentals of Radiology” 6th edition. Novelline RA. 1964-2004. President and Fellows of Havard College.

2. Feigin DS. A revised system for analysis of abnormal pulmonary images. Chest. 1993;103(2):594–600.

3. Folio L, Feigin DS, Singleton B, Arner D. Algorithmic approach of abnormal patterns in chest imaging: a framework for web-assisted diagnosis. Poster presented at Association of University Radiologists, Knoxville, 2006. p. 82. http://www.aur.org/Annual_Meeting/upload/AUR-2006- Abstracts.pdf. Accessed Sept 2011.

Chapter 2

Search Pattern, Interpretive Approach,

Basic Anatomy and Fundamentals

Comprehensive Review of Search Patterns

The following is a concise yet comprehensive review of the Chest X-Ray (CXR) Search Pattern and normal anatomy that should be identiÞed while interpreting the CXR. Based on my teaching experiences and feedback from the Þrst two versions of RoboChest; this chapter is based around the search pattern mnemonic ABCDS × 2.

Before starting with the actual searchÉ

¥Verify that the patient information and date are complete and accurate on both frontal (PA, Posterior-Anterior, or AP, Anterior-Posterior) and lateral projections (when lateral is available).

¥Note position of left or right marker on frontal. Note any inclination markers or secondary indicators of patient positioning. Ask yourself if the patient is upright (do not trust up arrow markers) for example. Be sure you are comparing similar conditions given variable positioning. An effusion one day can look like a consolidation the next, just due to degree of inclination of the patient.

¥Note patient position relative to the cassette such as rotation or tilt. The vertebral spinous process should be midway between medial heads of both clavicles. If not, take this into consideration as relative densities may change.

¥Note adequacy of penetration or other potential technical defects. For example, you should be able to see intervertebral disk space through the heart shadow.

¥Look brießy at the entirety of both projections for obvious abnormalities.

L.R. Folio, Chest Imaging, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1317-2_2,


© Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc. 2012