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29.Large refrigerated trawlers can stay at sea for half year and longer. 30.There are enormous shoals of Murmansk, Norwegian, Icelandic, and

White Sea herrings.

31.Theoretically, permit can be obtained by filling out application indicating purpose of your visit and showing your route, along with information from your passport, your place of employment and position there, your dates of travel and list of accompanying minor children.

32.Russian Federation passport of new series is best of all to have.

33.If you have visa to visit Finland or Norway, you have right only to cross appropriate border zone, without leaving your means of transport at nondesignated points or veering off from international highway, that is, roads leading international border crossing point of Lotta, Salla or Borisoglebsk.

34.From town of Umba along southern shore of Kola Peninsula to town of Oktyabrsky is route that will take you through many abandoned villages in forest and across many semi-ruined bridges.

35.Pasvik Reserve, formed at very end of 20th century, stretches along Norwegian border to west of village of Nickel and, due to pressure from border authorities, cannot recruit volunteers or institute ecological education program.

Task 2. Complete the following table with the words below according to the stress:

addition, assimilation, association, broadcasting, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, culture, decrease (n), dramatic, general, indigenous, Laplander, nationality, outnumber, overall (adj), particular, population, representative, restoration, Slavonic, Spaniard, spiritual, Tatar, throughout, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.

first syllable

second syllable

third syllable

fourth syllable






















Список использованной литературы


1.Заполярный плацдарм / Под ред. С.А. Керонен. – СПб.: КиНт-принт,

2005. – 103 с.

2.Кисёлев А.А., Тулин М.А. Книга о Мурманске / А.А. Киселёв, М.А. Тулин. – Мурманск, 1977. – 237 с.

3.Киселёв А.А. Мурманск – город-герой / А.А. Киселёв. – М.: Воениздат,

1988. – 187 с.

4.Киселёв А.А. и др. На перекрёстках памяти: О памятниках революционной, трудовой и боевой славы Мурманской области / А.А. Киселёв, А.С. Марченко, М.Г. Орешета. – Мурманск: Кн. изд-во, 1985. – 208 с.




8.http://www.puteshest.ru/news/2010-03-23-64 http://www.e-reading.org.ua/ bookreader.




I. Before reading the text be sure that you can pronounce the following words correctly:
















Task 1. Read and translate the text. Be ready to do the tasks after the text:

Murmansk is situated 300 km north of the Arctic Circle.

A million years ago a huge glacier, one kilometre thick, crawled across the Kola land. Due to this the soil became one solid layer of permafrost with only its upper crust thawing out sufficiently to sustain life.

The area of the Kola Peninsula above the Arctic Circle is characterized by tundra and taiga. The Arctic taiga is not as dense as the Siberian taiga but rather stunted and sparse.

The territory covers 144.9 sq. km and, in addition to woodland, there are as many as 110,701 lakes and 18,209 rivers. Low hills and marshy valleys typify the landscape from the Barents Sea to the White Sea, with the Khibiny mountains being the only exception. It is here where the town of Kirovsk is situated.

Not much grows above the Arctic Circle but even so Northerners appreciate any chance they have to get away from the city and into the country. People like to go picnicking in nearby woods, but those who like fishing prefer to go


farther afield to distant lakes and rivers. Others even go hunting. But above all, the favourite pursuit of the locals is that of berry and mushroom picking.

The dwarf arctic birch, a tree that creeps along the ground, the common birch, the spruce, the pine, the rowan, the aspen and the willow, all provide a typical backdrop for picnics around camp-fires, which are allowed provided the weather is not too hot and dry.

However, whatever the weather, fishermen go away for at least two or three days. Usually, they just fish with a fishing-rod, but fishing with a large net is also quite popular, although without a special licence they run the risk of incurring the wrath of government inspectors. In a successful fisherman’s keepnet may well be found the rare silvery white fish as well as pike, perch and roach. Any type of fishing of the salmon family requires a special licence, too.

In the woods and forests hares, squirrels, foxes and polar foxes, weasels, stoats and wolverenes may all fall prey to the hunter, who can on occasion also find his path crossed by brown bears, reindeer and elks. Sadly, tundra wolves here were hunted to extinction in the 1960s and 1970s. As far as waterfowl are concerned, swans and wild geese are protected by law all year round, but ducks, sandpipers and partridges have no such protection once the hunting season begins.

On the Kola Peninsula, unlike in neighbouring Scandinavian countries, no special permit is needed to gather berries and mushrooms. The cloudberry, which mainly only grows in the north, is considered to be the most beneficial and the most delicious. Sepals of cloudberries, when added to tea, give a very distinctive and pleasant flavour and they are also used as a traditional medicine for colds. For many years cloudberries from Russian Lapland were regularly delivered to the Tsar’s table. Another favourite berry is the cranberry, which is usually only found growing on marshland. Cranberries are full of vitamins and are again used for medicinal purposes. Bilberries and red whortleberries grow in great abundance. Great bilberries however are difficult to gather because they are so soft. Recently, Northerners have come to like the so-called voronika berry, which they turn into wonderful nalivka, home-made liqueur. Dark blue juniper berries are not particularly good to eat as such but are used as a flavouring. The only poisonous local berry is spurge-flax or “volchiye lyko”, little bright red or orange beads growing on high bushes. In the south of the region, on Tersky Bereg, grow wild raspberries, bird cherries and various wild currants.

Forest mushrooms have always been a favourite delicacy and a must when it comes to Russian national cuisine. Local citizens get quite upset whenever there is a poor mushroom harvest. From August to October there are usually so many “mushroom-hunters” that the forests and woods on the outskirts of towns are more akin to crowded local parks at the weekend.

Most people in Murmansk like to go walking on the hills around the city. It's impossible to get lost since no matter where you are the town is easily seen from far away. Distant forests are the prerogative of those who know exactly how to get there and who have a good sense of direction. Nevertheless, some-


times the unexperienced venture too far. As a result, every year there is always a certain number of people, mainly “mushroom-lovers”, who manage to get lost in the woods. Beware the unknown forest!

As previously mentioned there are a great many lakes on the Kola Peninsula. The two most well-known are Lake Imandra, which is the largest and is situated right in the centre of the peninsula, and Lake Mogilnoye, situated on the island of Kildyn near the entrance to the Gulf of Kola. Lake Mogilnoye is unique in that, despite it being a freshwater lake, it is full of animal and plant life normally found in the sea, e.g. cod, sea-perch, starfish, seaweed and so on. Needless to say, this mysterious “aquarium” is being studied by scientists.

(Kola peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of Russia. – Formap, 1994)

Task 2. Fill in the columns, using the words from the text. Add as many words as you can:

Names of Trees

Names of berries

Species of fish

Species of animals





Task 3. Translate from Russian into English:

1.Территория Кольского полуострова за Полярным кругом характеризуется тундрой и тайгой.

2.Арктическая тайга не такая обширная как Сибирская, но довольно низкорослая и редкая.

3.Холмы и болотистые равнины отличают ландшафт Кольского полуострова.

4.Люди любят ездить за город на шашлыки на рыбалку в близлежащие леса.

5.Карликовая арктическая берёза – дерево, стелющееся по земле, – визитная карточка Мурманска.

6.Многие животные на Кольской земле считаются вымершими и защищаются законом.

7.На Кольском полуострове, в отличие от скандинавских стран, нет необходимости в специальном разрешении на сбор ягод и грибов.

8.Ещё одна любимая ягода на севере – клюква, которая растёт на болотистой местности.

9.Морошка, добавленная в чай, придаёт ему приятный вкус, а также используется как традиционное лекарство от простуды.

10.Озеро Могильное является уникальным, поскольку, имея пресную воду, в нем водится рыба, средой обитания которой является морская вода.

Task 4. Speak about flora and fauna of Murmansk region.



II. Before reading the text, be sure that you can pronounce the following words correctly:





Bull Trout




Breeding Salmon










Task 5. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks after the text:

Fishing is the most fascinating and popular way of spending free time in the countryside. It strengthens health, from self-control, observation and rapidity of reaction. The kola North is one of the places in Russian where leisure can be devoted to amateur fishing. Our peninsula is washed by the Barents Sea and the White Sea. The sea fauna of the 1st one includes 114 species, 20 of them are solid commercially. The 2nd one is rich in alga, but fishing productivity is not high there and the specific structure of fish is poorer than that of the Barents Sea. The main treasure of the White Sea is 3 species of seals: the eared seal, the harp seal and the sea hare. They come to drift ice to cast their coasts.

Speaking of the fauna of the northern seas it’s necessary to point out that their dwellers are cod, herrings, Peter’s fish, rosefish, halibuts and 3 species of lancet fish. Some other subspecies of frozen and the black halibut are met too, but the store is very little, therefore Russian hasn’t got their fishery. Besides, there are such specimens of sea fauna as the northern shrimp and the king crab.

Now let us say a few words about land-locked fishers. They are represented by 28 species. Some fishes, for example, salmons, trout, bull trout, roaches, sticklebacks, etc., are food ones but the rest are prohibited to be caught by fish companies. Annual catch of fish during last years was about 250 tons. Approximately half of it is pikes, burbots and large perches. As to red fishes, their amount tends to reduce. The main danger, of course, is poaching and ecological problems. The Kila Peninsula is not an exception. To improve the situation there are 3 fish hatcheries, breeding salmon in Taibola, Kandalaksha and Umba.

So, our region has rich water fauna but if it is not cared about in the nearest future several species will be on the brink of disappearance. That’s why special reserves have been organized on the river Varzuga, Ponoj and Nota.

(Murmansk region. Possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of Press and information on the Murmansk regional administration, 1994)





Выдержка, самообладание







to be sold commercially

Иметь промысловое значение


Морская водоросль

Fishing productivity


Specific structure

Видовой состав

Harp seal

Гренландский тюлень

Eared seal


Sea hare

Морской заяц

Drift ice

Дрейфующий лёд

To cast the coat




Peter’s fish



Морской окунь



Lancet fish



Рыбный промысел


Представитель, образец

Northern shrimp

Северная креветка

King crab

Камчатский краб











Food fish

Промысловая рыба

To prohibit










Fish hatchery

Рыболовный завод

On the brink of

На грани (исчезновения)



Task 6. Fill in the columns:

Food fish of inland waters

Food fish and

Water fauna that is on the

animals northern seas

brink of disappearance






Task 7. Chose the right word from the box to fill in the gaps in. Find Russian equivalents for the set phrases:

Cast, herring, roach, fish

a)to draw a red … across the path;

b)neither … no fowl;

c)as sound as a …;

d)to … a slur an smb.

Task 8. Speak about:

1.The number of men that go fishing with nets increases from year to year. A fishing rod and spinning rod are considered insufficient to catch enough fish.

2.In 1988, 18,000 seals were killed by a virus in the North Sea. Their bodies could not fight the virus because their immune system did not work properly because of the pollution in their bodies.

Task 9. Translate from Russian into English:

История геологического исследования (exploration) Кольского полуострова началась, когда в Хибинах была обнаружена апатитонефелиновая руда. По сей день, залежи апатита считаются самыми большими в мире. Руда содержит более 20 различных минералов. Во-первых, несколько видов апатита, который содержится в суперфосфатной промышленности нашей страны. Во-вторых, нефелин, содержание которого в руде может изменяться от 5% до 50%. Размер кристаллов варьируется от миллиметра до нескольких сантиметров. Нефелин является сырьём (raw material) для производства алюминия, углекислого калия (potash), цемента, соды и стекла. Руда также содержит от 5% до 20% белого и металлического титана (titanium).

Кольский полуостров чрезвычайно богат минеральными ресурсами. Никакой другой горный массив в нашей стране не может сравниться с ним. Как правило, камни состоят из 10–12 минералов, в то время как здесь их количество достигает 20 даже в самых маленьких образцах.

Task 10. Select some facts to support the following statements:

1.The Kola Peninsula possesses a great supply of fresh water.

2.The Kola Peninsula is rich in natural resources.

3.The climate of the Kola Peninsula is very original (specific).

Task 11. Arrange a talk on the following topics:

a)most Northerners do their best to spend their holidays in south of Russia;

b)weather forecasts for the Kola Peninsula transmitted by the local TV companies always differ from those of central television channels;

c)the Gulf Stream affects the climate of the Kola Peninsula.



III. Before reading the text be sure that you can pronounce the following words correctly:



kura trout






scuba diving










Task 12. Read and translate the text:

Formalities. Under current law, all citizens temporarily staying in one place for more than ten days must register with the local police within the first three days of their stay (not counting weekends and holidays). The protectors of public order do not take as strict a view of the absence of registration in Murmansk Region as they do in Moscow, but it must be kept in mind.

Border zones. Under the law, there is a kilometer-wide zone that is closed to visitors, and a five-kilometer-wide zone of restricted access. In order to enter that zone, you must have the following:

a)a permit to be in a settlement located within the zone, or proof of registration there (or property owned there, or documents proving employment there); or

b)a temporary personal or collective permit. This is easier to receive if you have an invitation from a person who resides within the zone or attestation issued by any legal entity of a business goal within the zone. It is enough for military servicemen to present their orders. Theoretically, a permit can be obtained by filling out an application indicating the purpose of your visit and showing your route, along with the information from your passport, your place of employment and position there, your dates of travel and a list of accompanying minor children. But the chances of this democratic option really working out are not great.

In any case, it is essential to have identification documents. A Russian Federation passport of the new series is the best of all to have. Otherwise, the border control will find a thousand reasons to object to your presence. You can only travel through the border zone on the route indicated on your permit. All persons staying for more than ten days are required to register their whereabouts within the first three day (not counting holidays and weekends). Tickets for buses and ships passing through the border zone are sold only on presentation of a permit. It is important to know that the enforcement of these rules is very strict in the inland border zones and it is not recommended to violate them. The same is true of the numerous areas of restricted access (ZATO). However, the seaside


border zones, and even the sinister ZATO there, are much less strictly guarded and even an encounter with a patrol is unlikely to lead to serious unpleasantness.

Attention! If you have a visa to visit Finland or Norway, you have the right only to cross the appropriate border zone, without leaving your means of transport at non-designated points or veering off from the international highway, that is, the roads leading international border crossing point of Lotta, Salla or Borisoglebsk. The border can be crossed only by car or bus. You cannot cross the border on foot or bicycle. According to the 2003 Regulations on Border Procedure and the Border Zone in the Territory of Murmansk Region, the following settlements are included in the border zone: Virtaniemi, Janiskoski, Salmiyarvi, Mirny, Borisoglebsky and others. The border zone also includes all the islands of the Barents Sea, the thin strip of land along seashore leading east up to the mouth of the Danilovka River (south of the Ponoi), the closed cities and villages to the north of Murmansk and their surrounding areas (several of the villages in the ZATO are not within the border zone), Rybachyi and Srednyi Peninsulas, and the land between the borders with Finland and Norway and the border road along which the technical facilities (“the System” in local terminology) run. There are places where the border zone is considerably less the 5 km wide, and places where it is much wider. Not all the places mentioned in the Regulations are actually in the border zone. The village of Salmiyarvi and Srednyi Peninsula are in fact open to visitors.

Besides the border zone, there is a hazily defined zone along it where you must display your Russian passport to enter. Foreigners need permits to enter. There are checkpoints at the approaches to this zone at the turnoff to Teriberka on the Murmansk – Tumanny road (at the 80th km), in front of the bridge to over the Titovka River on the Murmansk – Nickel highway (at the 101st km) etc.

(Kola peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of Russia. – Formap, 1994)

Task 13. Insert prepositions and connecting words (use the text above):

Traveller’s tips

___ current law, all citizens temporarily staying in one place___ more than ten days must register ___ the local police ___ the first three days of their stay (not counting weekends and holidays). In order to enter a five-kilometer- wide zone ___restricted access one must have a temporary personal or collective permit. This is easier to receive it if you have an invitation ___a person who resides ___ the zone or attestation issued ___ any legal entity of a business goal within the zone. Theoretically, a permit can be obtained by filling ___ an application indicating the purpose of your visit and showing your route, ___ with the information from your passport, your place ___ employment and position there, your dates ___ travel and a list___ accompanying minor children. ___ any case, it is essential to have identification documents. Otherwise, the border control will find a thousand reasons to object ___ your


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