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книги / Английский язык для горных инженеров

12.37 Mб

28.Ответьте ив следующие вопросы:

1.What minerals do we usually call economic?

2.Is the type of ore the only factor which the engineer takes into consideration in choosing the methods of working ore deposits?

3.What does a rational method of mining guarantee?

4.What does before mining activity include?

5.What processes does development work involve?

6.What basic stoping methods are in use now?

7.What are the main methods of working bedded deposits?

8.Is underground or open-cast mining preferable now? Why?

9.Can you give a few examples of the largest enterprises producing ores in the country?

29.Найдите в правой колонке русские эпиваленты следующих слов и со

четаний слов:

1. block caving

а) породный отвал, терриконик

2. crushing and drying

б) открытые горные работы, вскрыша


power shovel

в) блоковое (этажное) оборудование

4. grabbing

г) дробление и сушка

5. to range (from ... to)

д) врубо-погрузочная машина, горный


remote control



shrinkage stoping

е) колебаться (в определенных пределах)

8. waste heap

ж) погрузка грейфером



з) дистанционное управление

10. overcasting and side­

и) выемка системой с магазинированием



к) механическая лопата, экскаватор

stripping operations

л) перелопачивание и внешнее




30.Заполните пропуски приведенными словами:





1.Mining machines which break out coal or rock from the face and ... it on the face conveyer are called either cutter-...s or tunnelling machines.

2.According to the classification the mining machines are

divided into three main groups:

for breaking rock, for


transporting and setting supports.



6) cut




1. ...s are designed for cutting coal and other minerals, including rock salt, potash, tuff, limestone, etc.

2.The ... mechanism of a coal-cutter may be a disk or a chain.

3.The cutter can ... minerals of varying thickness.

31.Подберите из спискои А и Б близкие по значению слова:





1. lorry

spoil heap

2. stope




waste heap







5. dumping








surface mining






open-cast mining (strip mining)


power shovel


roof timbering

10. roof support




Определите, какой частью речи явлаются

выделенпые слова. Пере­

ведите предложения:


1. There exist various types of electric drills

which are in use

in rocks of different hardness.


2.To increase drilling speed, modem drill bits (коронка) are covered with hard alloy (сплав).

3.Using electric rotative drills it is possible to drill holes into coal and soft rock such as soft shales.

4.The Donbas cutter-loader wins and loads coal of low-to- medium hardness and anthracites in gently sloping seams under a roof of average strength.

5.Scraper conveyers can convey great loads per hour.

6.As a measure of safety the shields protect face personnel and equipment from falling rock.

7.For the measurement of the pressure and speed of air there are special barometers which measure the absolute pressure of air.

8.The drills for making holes have handles.

9.It is rather difficult to handle the equipment underground.

33. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя следующие предлоги:

instead of because of

by means of

due to according to

(in accordance with)


1. The rapid and much

more accurate

identification of new

reserves and the ability to establish their quality, faulting, folding, mode of occurrence, etc. have become possible the reliability of new geological information.

2. In the most promising coal-producing areas the rail and road transport systems are used ... the complicated geological conditions.


Steel supports are widely used now timber supports.



Wheel scrapers are earth-moving units which are pulled


drawbar (тяговый крюк) on the tractor, and its digging is controlled by the tractor.


Scrapers find wide application


high degree of


high production rates, and their



for auxiliary support equipment.



34. Употребите данные в скобках глаголы в соответствующей форме:

to carry ont, to continue, to work, to develop, to create, to apply, to plan, to perform, to calculate, to work out

1.The mechanization and automation of underground processes (будет проводиться) on the basis of a wider use of winning complexes, powered roof supports, remote and automatic control and other modern equipment.

2.For this very purpose different cutter-loaders, winning complexes, loaders, pumps, fans, equipment for setting supports, etc. (создаются).

3. Now a wider use of conveyer belts for level and inclined workings and other means of automation (планируется).

4.Ore deposits (разрабатываются) by the underground and open-cast methods.

5.Automated systems of planning and control (применяются) in the mining industry.

6.Automated systems of planning and control (подсчитыва­ ют) wages, efficiency and (производят) other engineering calculations.

35. Переведите предложения, используя следующие рязговорные фор­ мулы:

to take part in; to solve important problems; to keep in close touch with; to make a contribution (to); to take into consideration (to take into account); to design; reliable winning complex

1.Научно-исследовательские институты поддерживают тесную связь с шахтами и карьерами.

2.Ученые и инженеры принимают активное участие в проектировании

исоздании надежных добычных комплексов, мощных экскаваторов и драг­ лайнов, различных насосов и бурового оборудования.

3.Кроме того, они решают важные проблемы, связанные с современ­ ными способами транспортировки полезного ископаемого на поверхности, принимая во внимание геологические условия месторождения.

4.Русские ученые внесли большой вклад в разработку методов добычи

полезных ископаемых.

36. Суммируйте содержание текста Б по следующему плану:

l.The importance of working economic minerals.

2.The main factors to be considered in choosing the methods of working ore deposits.

3.Mine development work.

4.Different types of equipment used in working ore deposits.

37. Переведите в косвенную речь. Начните предложения словами: Не (she) said/asked/told them/wanted to know:

1.“I love you.”

2.“I can swim.”

3.“I don’t want to go.”

4.“We’ll be late.”

5.“I didn’t recognize you.”

6.“Where have you been?”

7.“Did you see him yesterday?”

8.“Was your operation successful?”

9.“When does the train arrive?”

10.“Who did you see there?”

38.Повторите правило согласования времен и переведите на английский:

1.Преподаватель попросил меня дать определение геологии как науки.

2.Он спросил меня, какие основные методы добычи полезных ископаемых я знаю.

3.Он сказал мне, что не знает значения слова infrastructure.

4.Профессор рассказал нам о том, как живут и учатся студентыгеологи в Англии.

5.Он спросил меня, могу ли я рассказать по-английски, что случилось со мной утром.

6.Она спросила меня, что я думаю об этой книге и понравилась ли она мне.

7.Он позвонил и сказал, что приедет на следующий день.

8.Председательствующий (The Chairman) попросил меня суммировать мнения, высказанные участниками конференции.

9.Он спросил меня, где я работал, прежде чем поступил в институт.

10.Они объяснили нам, как пройти к музею и где купить билеты.

39.Прочитайте текст В и скажите, о чем он.


Mining and the Environment

It should be stressed that effects of mining on the environment are twofold: firstly, there are direct effects arising from mining as a physical activity, which include disturbances of the land surface and

accumulation of waste. Secondly, there are indirect destructive effects resulting from treatment of mineral products, such as coal burning, ore processing, smelting and other metallurgical processes. These frequently result in contamination of soil and ground water, pollution of the atmosphere and an adverse effect on vegetation and wildlife. Mining, especially open-pit mining, deforms the surface of the land and creates a large amount of waste materials which contain hazardous substances that pollute water and soil. Water from mining and concentration operations may contaminate the subsoil and rivers into which it flows. Most serious of all are gases produced by smelting, which may not only contaminate the air in the region of the smelter, but affect lakes and vegetation hundreds of miles away through the creation of acid rain.

There is one more point which affects the environment. It concerns the transport of coal representing one component of the complete coal cycle — from exploration and extraction of the fuel, through refining and processing storage and finally its conversion to an end-use product for consumers. Coal transportation is executed by train, truck (lorry), water (on rivers, canals, lakes, etc.) and slurry pipeline or conveyer belt. Environmental impacts of coal transport occur during loading or unloading. For example, rail transport and trucks cause damage to buildings, highways and other places.

Accidents are associated with all forms of transport. Besides, the transport of coal in all its forms involves dust, even though special measures are increasingly taken. Emission of coal particulate and other air pollutants occur during loading, unloading and during coal movement.

At the same time, research and development have provided greatly improved engineering and biological methods of land reclamation. It is necessary to say that land reclamation has emerged as a method of controlling the negative after-effects of extracting coal and other minerals. Land reclamation covers the problem of landscape redevelopment and the restoration of its productivity, ecological integrity, and economic and aesthetic value. The economic uses of reclaimed land depend on natural and socioeconomic factors of the locality. They may be orchards, meadows, parks, swimming pools, etc.

In recent years many industrial countries have developed and adopted laws, national programmes and specific policies for environmental protection. The basis of most laws applicable to the mining industry and its effect on land is to control land management,



The I n te rn a tio n a l C o n fe r e n c e on M i n i n g

E n v ir o n m e n t a l M anagem ent


Miners, environmentalists and regulators |


w ill meat to discuss critical



mining environmental Issues


I_____________________________________________________________________________ I

rasting international regulations and standards; Management practices and legal obligations; The role ofgovernment; Financial implications of a greener world.

The two-hour Workshops will occur on the morning of each day, being scheduled for completion by the start of the main conference proceedings. Papers will be 20 minutes each (to include time for questions after each presentation), with the workshops being divided into three sections; Air/Water Issues, Land Issues, and General Issues. The six papers in each workshop wall be devoted to case studies and technical presentations. Consideration is also being given to Poster Displays of relevant technical work.

The Exhibition will offer equipment manufacturers and consultants the opportunity to present their products to the international industry.

Details of papers, speakers and exhibitors will be advised as soon as possible.

For further details please contract: Mining Journal Ltd,

60 Worship Street, London, U.K. Telephone:........


б) Скажете, к а п е проблемы будут рассматриваться па конференции, кто будет принимать участие а работе конференции, каков регламент конферен­ ции.

Что о н думаете о значении таких конференций?

Какие доклады, по вашему мнению, следовало бы включить в повестку дна таких конференций?

44. Вы прочли объявление в научном журнале о проведении конференции. Выберите интересующую вас тему и напишите тезисы доклада.

Ru««ian clean coal anmmlt

The Russian Clean Coal Summit is going to be held in Moscow from 19 to 23 May 199...

The main topics of this meeting are:

El Oeo-polltlcal problems of cool production and utilisation

place of coal in energy production balance

coal as source of industry

complex coal process

ВModem technologies end ecological aspects of coal process

Efficient and Safe Underground Coal Mining Based on the Latest Achievements in Geomechanics

Coal preparation and handling

Solid fuel combustion

Emission control

By-products from solid fuel utilisation



ВSpecialists training for Industry of ecologically clean coal processing

models of specialists

ecological education of specialists

systems of additional education and improved qualification (permanent education)

education in the field of ecological management

ВInternational business co-operation (business symposium)

Participation of European industry in the development of Russian clean coal technology projects

Co-financing Russian projects by the world’s first class fund­ ing sources

Ваш доклад включен в программу конференции. Вы получили пригла­ шение участвовать в конференции. Подготовьте выступление. Желаем успеха!


UNIT 10 Economics and Mining

А. Текст А. Some Concepts of Economics

Б. Текст Б.

Mineral Markets

В. Текст В. US Coal Industry Today

Кроссворд (Crossword)



1. а) Прочитайте вслух следующие слова:

[о:] — more, to'ward, in'form, re'source, 'organize

[o]— wants, be'cause, cost, 'water, 'model

[э:] — 'service, con'cem , earth, al'ternative, re'fer [tj] — 'mixture, choice, a'chieve, 'natural, which [Ц — 'social, 'crucial, e'fficiency, financial

[fan] — re'cession, ex'traction, pro'tection, professional, ,insti'tution, 'national, ad'dition, ^satis'faction

[w] — what, 'whether, with, which, while

б) Прочитайте вслух следующие слова и запомните их произношение:

scarce [sksds], scarcity ['skeasiti], society [sa'saiati], require [n- 'kwaia], resource [n'so:s], crucial ['krujial], environment [in- 'vaiaranmant], entrepreneur [^ntrapra'na:], financial [fai'nænfol], justice ['djAStis], opportunity [,opa'tju:niti]

2. Прочитайте следующие слова и сочетании слов 1-2 раза про себя, за­ тем вслух и постарайтесь запомнить их.

ability [э'Ы1Ш] п способность, умение

allocate ['ælakelt] v размещать, распределять, назначать (to); allocation [jeb'keijh] п разме­ щение, распределение, назна­ чение, ассигнование

choice [tjois] п выбор, отбор, аль­ тернатива; to make ~ выбирать, отбирать (что-л.)> сделать выбор confront [kan'fr/mt] v столкнуться с трудностями, предрассудками

consume [kan'sjurm] v потреблять, расходовать; consumer [кэп'ди:тэ]

ппотребитель; ~ goods потре­ бительские товары; consumption

ппотребление, технический расход (масла, воздуха, пара и т.д.)\ затраты энергии

cost [kost] п цена, стоимость; р/ расходы, издержки; ~ of pro­ duction издержки производства; capital ~ капитальные затраты; ~ дополнительные

demand [di'niarnd] n требование, запрос, потребность; экономи­ ческий спрос; to be In great ~ быть в большом спросе, требо­ ваться; syn to reqnlre

deposit [di'pozit] n зд. депозит;

bank ~ банковский вклад













employment n





ant unemployment



enable [in'eibl] v давать

ность или право что-л. сделать;









приятие, предпринимательство entrepreneur [,эпй-эргэ'пэ:] п ан­ трепренёр, предприниматель,

владелец предприятия

evaluate [i'væljueit] v оценивать, устанавливать стоимость; eva­ luation п оценка, определение цены, стоимости

goods [gudz] n pi товар, товары; consumer ~ потребительские товары

pay [pel] п плата, выплата, упла­ та, заработная плата; v (paid)

уплачивать, оплачивать (работу, счет); ~ back оплачивать; ~ for оплачивать; ~ in вносить на те­ кущий счет; ~ out выплачивать;
















п выплата



scarce [skeas]

скудный; scarcity












secure [si'kjua] v охранять, га­ рантировать, обеспечивать, стра­ ховать, обеспечивать безопас­ ность; security [si'kjuailtl] п бе­ зопасность, надежность, охра­ на, гарантия; securities ценные бумаги

supply [sa'plai] п экономическое предложение; pi запас, припа­ сы, продовольствие, ресурсы, поставка

trade [treid] п ремесло, профес­ сия, торговля; v торговать (in чем-л., with с кем-л.); ~ off сбы­ вать, обменивать; trade-off п компромисс, альтернатива, вы­ бор, сделка





какой частью речи являются следующие слова. Переведи­

те их:












a llo c a te

— a llo c a tio n


lim it

lim ita tio n — lim ite d — u n lim ite d

a c t

a c tiv e — a c tiv ity

ab le

a b ility


m ix

m ix tu re



s ta b ility


se cu re

s e c u rity


e m p lo y

e m p lo y m e n t —

u n e m p lo y m e n t

va lu e

va lu a b le



e v a lu a tio n


scarce — s ca rcity








c o n s id e r

c o n s id e ra tio n —

c o n sid e ra b le

— in co n sid e ra b le


p ro d u c e

p ro d u c e r

— p ro d u c t — p r o d u c tio n — p ro d u c tiv e

— p ro d u c tiv ity

consume — consumable — consumer — consumption

4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод существитель­ ных с суффиксом -ity:

1. All economies face scarcity, and all must decide how to allocate scarce resources and distribute goods and services, all face problems of inflation, unemployment, and unsatisfactory rates of growth.