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!!Учебный год 2024 / English Патенкова.docx
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Phrases from video

I know you’ll be really excited about this- я знаю, вы в предвкушении.

It gives your audience a reason to listen- это даст аудитории причину слушать вас

add to the drama- добавить драмы

electrify the audience- inspire

to hint at something-

reinvent something-



consistent- последовательный

Reinterpretation of the article

Facile, empty and cliched– Liz Truss’s first week has been a disaster

The new prime minister made promises on the campaign trail she hoped would be forgotten. A mere 12% of voters expect her to be a good prime minister. But the death of the Queen could help Truss steady and establish herself. Truss already has ground to make up. Her cabinet appointments defied all advice about appeasing her enemies and accommodating different strands in her party. A close victory over Rishi Sunak clearly demanded some effort at soothing wounds. Truss did the opposite, sacking the few able ministers to survive Boris Johnson’s mayhem. Instead, she chose a cabinet defined purely (определенный чисто) by loyalty to her. Its gender and ethnic diversity was the only thing remarkable about it.

Truss is no master of the parliamentary stage. A sentence from Johnson could have his backbenchers baying with delight. Truss’s response to questions from Keir Starmer at her first prime minister’s questions had the virtue of directness, but her answers seemed wooden and dull. But not all prime ministers are performers. Brevity is a virtue in itself (краткость – сестра таланта, добродетель сама по себе), and minimalism could be Truss’s secret weapon. It took just 24 hours on Monday for her to forget her campaign pledge of “no handouts”. Now she promises the biggest handout in history. Truss opposes windfall taxes (налог на сверхприбыль) as they “deter investment”. This is facile (поверхностно). Given soaring demand for energy, the companies already have huge incentives to invest.

Opposition politicians love to make promises they hope will be forgotten, but Truss was not in opposition. Meanwhile, she still has 25,000 migrants crossing the Channel this year alone. She has 60,000 court cases idle and overdue for a hearing (застрявших и просроченных). She has 6.8 million people waiting for hospital treatment (стационарное лечение), and an NHS the laughing stock of European healthcare

Terms from the article





Удовлетворяющие, ублажающие.

To give your opponents what they want.

Soothing wounds

Смягчающий, сглаживающий раны, обиды.

Making you feel more calm and more relaxed about emotional damage caused by something bad that happens.



An act of forcing someone to leave their job.

His backbenchers

Его заднескамеечники, рядовые члены парламента.

An ordinary member of the British Parliament who does not have a senior position.

Brevity is a virtue

Краткость – это добродетель.

Еhe use of only a few words sometimes is better. It may be a good quality or habit that a person has.

Campaign pledge

Политические обещания.

Promises of series of actions intended to produce political change.


Сдерживать. Отталкивать.

To make someone decide not to do something.



Something that makes you want to do something or to work harder, because you know that you will benefit by doing this.

Opposition politicians

Оппозиционные политики.

The political parties in a country that are not part of the government, a person, team, or group that someone is competing against in Parliament.

Idle and overdue for a hearing

Простаивают или их слушание просрочено.

Not doing anything about the case, when you should do something. Run out of time to consider a lawsuit.

The laughing stock


The situation when someone is hilarious in a bad meaning.

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