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Автор - составитель ст. преп. Миронова Е.И. 1.ЦЕЛИ И ЗАДАЧИ ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ

Цель дисциплины - дать студентам основные знания и сформировать у них основные навыки владения английским языком для активного применения последнего как в профессиональном, так и бытовом общении и научить их работать с неадаптированной литературой по специальности.

Задачи дисциплины в неязыковом вузе:

научить практическому владению разговорно-бытовой и научной речью.

научить студентов читать и переводить как общие, так и специальные тексты.

научить приемам самостоятельной работы с литературой разного плана.

научить пользоваться наиболее употребительными и относительно простыми языковыми средствами в основных видах речевой деятельности: говорении, аудировании, чтении и письме.


Впроцессе обучения каждый студент должен уметь:

пользоваться полученными знаниями и навыками в основных видах речевой деятельности;

самостоятельно работать со специальной литературой, переводить тексты по специальности, реферировать и аннотировать как русские, так и английские статьи, беседовать на бытовые и профессиональные темы;

самостоятельно работать со специальной литературой (социология) на иностранном языке с целью получения профессиональной информации.


Вид учебной работы

Всего часов


Общая трудоемкость


1, 2

Аудиторные занятия















Самостоятельная работа (в






Зачет, Экзамен

Вид игрового контроля
















кие занятия

ая работа


Вводно-коррективный курс



- 70

20 - 40



General language




- 112

62 - 82




























Программа рассчитана на стандартный объем преподавания 204 практических часа и 120 часов самостоятельной работы и завершается экзаменом. В конце 1 семестра предполагается зачет.

Основой построения программы является разделение курса на два направления или аспектаGeneral Language и Language for specific purposes.

Каждому из них отводится по 50% учебного времени на всех этапах обучения. Содержание


I семестр.

Обучение начинается с водно-коррективного курса (20 - 40 час., в зависимости от уровня знаний учащихся).

Водно-коррективный курс предусматривает обучение основам нормативного произношения, чтения, повторение и усвоение элементарной грамматики и лексики. Лингвистический материал: основы фонетики ( артикуляция, долгота гласных, ударение, ритмика, транскрипция); повторение основ грамматики -множественное число существительных и понятие притяжательного падежа, виды артиклей, местоимения (личные, притяжательные и т.д.); числительные порядковые и количественные; прилагательные и степени их сравнения; глаголы to be, to have,

обороты there is/are; Irregular verbs и понятие о системе времен (Present, Past, Future)

Далее в аспекте General Language осуществляется обучение по следующим аспектам:

-аудирование - распознавание звуков, понятие ударения, выделение ключевых слов, понимание смысла основных частей монолога и диалога на базе текстов общего плана (тематика - Жизнь студентов, Университет, факультет, и т.д.)

-говорение - воспроизведение монологических и диалогических текстов, краткий пересказ, подробный пересказ, постановка вопросов, развернутые ответы на вопросы, развертывание диалога в монологическую речь и наоборот (Тематика см. выше).

-чтениечтение вслух с соблюдением ритмики и интонации, определение основного содержания текста, распознавание значения слов по контексту, выделение главной и второстепенной информации и т.д.

-письмо - умение письменно воспроизвести услышанный или прочитанный текст, умение составить письменный план, написать неофициальное письмо.

В аспекте Language for specific purposes предполагается обучение чтению,

говорению и письму по таким темам как "My faculty" "My speciality" "Sociology as a science" (см. содержание в аспекте General Language).

Лингвистический материал:

-грамматика - система времен в активном и страдательном залогах, понятие косвенной речи, согласование времен, модальные глаголы (can, must, may, have to, should).

Структура простого предложения. Словообразование. Придаточные предложения условия и времени.

-лексика - нейтральная наиболее употребительная. Понятие терминологии. Терминология связанная с специальными темами (базовая терминологическая лексика по специальности «Социология»). Сочетаемость слов. Основные приемы работы со словарями. Многозначность слов. Синонимические ряды.


Текущий - тесты и контрольные работы, опрос тем, как общих так и связанных со специальностью. Содержание зачета:


-двукратное прослушивание текста на общие или страноведческие темы (800 зн.).Выполнение теста или письменное изложение прослушанного.

-чтение, ответы на вопросы, пересказ текста по тематике University, Faculty, My speciality.

-устное изложение любой пройденной темы (общей или специальной).


Продолжается работа по двум аспектам языка. В аспекте «общий язык» осуществляются:

-дальнейшее развитие навыков аудирования, -дальнейшее развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи на

общие темы.

Васпекте «язык для специальных целей» осуществляются:

¾развитие навыков устной публичной речи (по специальности)

¾развитие навыков чтения литературы с целью извлечения профессиональной информации (литература по социологии и социальной философии),

¾знакомство с периодическими изданиями по специальности и спец. Словарями,

¾овладение лексикой и фразеологией связанной со специальностью,

¾дальнейшая работа с терминологией,

¾обучение навыкам письма, для подготовки тезисов,

¾обучение аннотированию и реферированию как на русском, так и на английском языке текстов по социологии и научно-популярных публикации,

¾обучение технике адекватного перевода текстов по специальности. Аудирование, говорение, письмо.

Усвоению подлежит:

понимание основной идеи и логической структуры звучащего текста,

понимание на слух аутентичных текстов с опорой на видеоматериалы и без него, в т.ч. и текстов, связанных со специальностью;

отнесение высказывания к моменту и определение его модальности;

основы подготовленной публичной речи;

основы спонтанной речи (2-3 мин.);

умение беседовать на специальные темы: «Методы социологии»,

«Историческое развитие социологии», «Великие ученые», «Основные аспекты социологии» «Социальная психология».

Чтение как способность понимать и извлекать информацию. Усвоению подлежит:

определение основного содержания текста по опорным словам;

восприятие смысловой структуры текста, выделение главной и второстепенной информации;

обобщение фактов;

умение сделать перевод со словарем фрагмента статьи или монографии по теме «Социология»;

составление плана по прочитанному;

аннотирование и реферирование текстов по специальности (English - English; Russian — English) как в письменной, так и в устной форме;

изложение основных проблем курсовой работы.

Обучение чтению литературы по специальности включает:

внеаудиторное чтение в объеме 20 тыс.печ. зн.;

составление конспекта по прочитанному на английском языке;

представление докладов по прочитанному.


Работа с внеаудиторным чтением и контроль осуществляется на занятиях по индивидуальной работе со студентами.

Основы реферирования, аннотирования и перевода по специальности.

В качестве основного материала служат аутентичные стилистически нейтральные тексты по специальности. При этом осуществляется:

знакомство с периодическими изданиями;

знакомство с основными способами поиска профессиональной информации;

знакомство с основными приемами аналитико-синтетической переработки информации, с приемами компрессирования содержания;

использования перестройки грамматической и синтаксической структуры предложения при переводе;

-нахождение правильных лексических и грамматических эквивалентов при переводе.

Лингвистический материал:

Фонетика - словесное ударение, ритм, интонация.

Грамматика - система времен в действительном и страдательном залогах, \Модальные глаголы, неличные формы глагола, инфинитивные, причастные и герундиальные конструкции.

Лексика и фразеологиязарепление общеупотребительной лексики и отражающей широкую и узкую специализацию, знакомство с основами научной речи, словосочетаниями, встречающимися в профессиональной речи.



1. Дроздова Т.Ю., Берестова А.И., Маилова В.Г. English Grammar. – CПб, 2000 2.About Sociology in English /Сост. Рушинская И.С.// - М.: Наука, 2000.

З.Выборова В.Г., Махмурян А.Н. и др. Advanced English. – М.:Флинта, 2000.

4.Вводно-коррективный курс /Сост. Малова Н.С.и др. // - Иркутск, ИГУ, 2002.

5.Метод. указания для факультета социальных наука ( специальность – «Социология») /Сост.Миронова Е.И. - Иркутск: ИГУ, 2001.

6. Обучение переводу на базе текстов по социологии: Методические указания. /Сост.Миронова Е.И. – Иркутск: ИГУ, 2003.



Задание 1. Перевод предложений в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice).

Подлежащее переводится следующими падежами:






After the verbs


To advice

to ask

to admire

To give

to see

to ignor

To help

to send


To inform

to teach


To tell




Translate, pay attention to the verbs:

1.They were asked to come. 2.He was helped. 3.She was admired by everybody.

При переводе также важно обратить внимание на глаголы с предлогами: To face with, to laugh at, to look at, to think of etc.


He was well spoken of. The room has not been slept in. The story was much laughed at. Others had been laid off from work.

Обращаем внимание на перевод переходных глаголов типа, to watch, to speak, to answer, to follow etc.


This language is not spoken here. This question was discussed and answered.

Translate the verb “to follow” 1.Everybody followed his example. 2.His example was followed. 3.She has not followed his advice. 4.Your advice was not followed.

5.This introduction was followed by some illustrations. 6.They followed the rule.

7.The police were following him. 8.He was being followed.

Задание 2. Модальные глаголы (Modal verbs).

Такие модальные глаголы как would, should, might, could могут также выражать сослагательное наклонение и переводятся соответствующим образом (с «бы»). Обратите внимание, что глагол to be в сослагательном наклонении имеет форму were.


1.I should help you if I were not so busy. 2.It would be a mistake to think so.

3.See to it that the glass might not be broken. 4.This rule might be applied here.

5.It could be proved only by facts. 6.I should offer another explanation.

7.I hope that I can indicate methods that are to be developed further.

8.If you were to happen on this place you might witness some interesting scenes. 9.This is a hypothesis which could be proved only by the actual discovery of some facts.

10.It would be a mistake to think that they are unaware of the facts.I hope that I can indicate methods that are to be developed further.

11.If you were to happen on this place you might witness some interesting scenes. 12.This is a hypothesis which could be proved only by the actual discovery of some facts.

13.It would be a mistake to think that they are unaware of the facts.

Задание 3. Participles and Gerund (-ing, -ed- forms).

Причастия переводятся:



Participle I



читая, читающий



having read





being read

будучи читаемым

Participle II






having been read


Такие причастия как:


переводится «данный,



«о котором идет речь»



Translate: The changes involved took place last century. The area concerned was studied by many scientists.

Обороты, типа “when shown” “if discussed” переводятся придаточными предложениями типа «когда ……показали…..», «если ….обсуждать….».

Translate: 1.When asked he smiled but did not answer. 2.If translated into English the article may be published in a magazine. 3.If asked for this book can be found easily.

Задание 4. Absolute Participle Construction.

Независимый причастный оборот переводится с помощью вводимых извне союзов.

E.g. He being tired, I decided not to disturb him. – Т.к. он устал, я решил его не трогать.

Ср. Being tired he decided to go to bed.- Будучи усталым он решил пойти спать.


1.A University was established in 425, teaching being conducted both in Latin and Greek. 2. The matter of definitions settled, we may begin our consideration of cultural influence. 3.There being no other choice, we decided to break through.

4.It was dark, the sun having set an hour before.

5.We sat in the garden, the moon slowly rising above the mountains.

6.Dinner being over, we went to the garden.

7.Peter being ill, I had to finish the work.

8.He having taken the keys, I could not enter the house.

9.All the questions having been discussed, we went home.

10.The play being very popular, it was difficult to get the tickets.

Gerund бывает:






being written


having written

having been written

Герундий употребляется после таких глаголов и словосочетаний как:

to like

to hate

to begin

to start

to keep

to stop

to finish

to mind

to feel like

to give up

to go on

to be worth (while)

cannot help

it’s no use (good) etc.




1.Do you mind closing the door? 2.Do you mind my closing the door? 3.Excuse my being so late.

4.We regretted our having missed the lecture. 5.We regret his not being sent to the conference. 6.It’s worth while remembering this rule.

7.He hated being interrupted. 8.It was no good asking him. 9.I prefer speaking to him.

10.I don’t feel like telling you about it.

Обратите особое внимание на перевод таких сочетаний как:

in considering


при рассмотрении


on graduating

- по окончании


before asking

- до того, как ….спросил


after reading



without reading

- не читая


by comparing

- путем сравнения


Задание 5. Infinitive and Infinitive constructions.


Инфинитив имеет формы:





to read

to be read



to be reading




to have read

to have been read

Perfect progressive


to have been reading


Инфинитив употребляется после модальных глаголов. Обратите внимание на их перевод и на перевод эквивалентов модальных глаголов, таких как to have to and to be to.


1.You will have to overcome many difficulties. 2.Where are these books to be had?

3.You must have heard of him.

4.He must have forgotten his address. 5.This meeting is not to be avoided. 6.He may have forgotten about it. 7.Nobody was to be seen at the station.

8.You should have been born a hundred years ago.

Задание 6. Complex object.


+ want














to do smth.











+ feel










smb. do smth.






и др, выражающие чувства







Задание 7. Complex Subject.



seem, appear, prove, happen, be meant, be thought



be felt, be likely, be sure, be certain etc.

to do smth.


Translate the sentences and explain the underlined word forms. 1.The challenge of sociology is to go beyond appearances.

2.It allows us to break out from this limited vision. 3.You cannot be human all by yourself.

4.By looking at social arrangement we gain a new vision.

5.A human was conceived with a relationship, was born into relationship. 6.Many scientists were attracted to sociology.

7.A classic study carried by social scientists helps to clarify some points. It helps all of us to understand things.

8.To look around would signal disrespect.

9.They usually come to the corner to pass the time.

10.By studying sociology we can achieve a better grasp of how our society is organized. 11.Our view is limited to the close-up scenes of our school.

12.They had nothing to gain by accepting a job. 13.You should not be surprised.

14.Earning too little money to support themselves they are certain of their abilities. 15.Service industries where most new jobs are found have few midlevel jobs. 16.How may art contribute to social mythmaking.

17.The governments are more than ever alarmed by social problems. 18.Offered only routine jobs they come to work feeling flat and stale. 19.They must use all their resources to maintain themselves.

20.It enables us to penetrate our social world.

21.To call attention to some facts is to challenge some moral views.

Translate the sentences, pay attention to all grammar forms mentioned above. 1.The truck moves on stopping again whenever idling men come within calling distance of the driver.

2.Many young people must be understood within the context of their social status. 3.This consciousness helps us to better understand the social forces we confront. 4.One can see man, then another climb into the back and sit down.

5.They can reasonably expect their children to pursue a higher education. 6.Clarence had to attend an eleven o’clock meeting.

7.Like many privileged Americans he had located their problems in the men themselves. 8.A human may be many things, but above all you are a social creature destined to live in society.


9.He cannot look to the personal character of individuals to explain their problems. 10.These children are more likely to finish high school.

11.given this interpretation government policy might best be directed toward changing their motivations.

12.Historican situation is instantly distorted once we know what actually happened.

13.A man who has a job is twice as likely to marry the mother of his children as is a man who is unemployed.

14.Sociologists should not consider their sole mission to be the development of abstract knowledge.

15.One would think these would be times when social science research would be riding high.

16.They require us to consider the economic and political institutions of the society.

17.If we lack an adequate understanding of drug abuse are we flying blind in attempting to deal with these behavior?

18.Other topics that will be addressed include why social stratification arises. 19.They are inclined to deal with them.

20.How are some sociological ideas shaped by the times in which sociologists live? 21.Some people never seem to be happy.

22.Students are unlikely to make good progress at the University unless they work out some basic methods of study.

23.His manner of talking was tactless to say the least of it. He kept mentioning subjects unpleasant to his friends.

24.This theory is known to explain a great deal in the mechanism of developing of society. 25.Many social problems ca be solved by means of just taxation.

Text 1.

More than 2,300 years ago Aristotle wrote :” The human is by nature a social animal.” Put another way you may be many things but above all you are a social creature destined to live your life with other people in society. Your relationships with others lie at the core of your existence. You were conceived within a relationship, were born into relationships, became genuinely human in relationships and live your life within relationships. In brief you cannot be human all by yourself. What you think, how you feel, and what you say and do are fashioned by your interaction with other people in group settings. It is the web of meanings, expectations, behavior and institutional arrangements that result when people interact with one another in society that is the stuff of sociology. Let us define sociology as the scientific study of society, and more particularly, as the study of human organization.

Human beings have long had an interest in understanding themselves and their social arrangements. Judging by ancient folklore, myths and archeological remains, they have pondered why people of other societies order their lives differently than themselves. They have wondered why some members of society violate social rules. They have questioned why some people should be wealthy and powerful and others poor and powerless. And they have been bewildered and troubled by episodes of mass hysteria, revolution and war. It seems that our species wants to understand what life means, and how it has come about. At first human beings developed and applied the scientific method for the study of physical and biological phenomena. It has been only in the past 150 years or so that they have turned to science through research governed by the rigorous and disciplined collection and analysis of facts.

Text 2.

Sociology illuminates the human experience. It invites us to examine aspects of the social environment that we often ignore, neglect or take for granted. By studying sociology we can achieve a better grasp of how our society is organized, where power lies, what beliefs


channel our behavior and how our society has come to be what it is. Sociology provides a unique perspective that encourages us to look behind the outer aspects of social life and discern its inner structure – to suspend the belief that things are simply as they seem. In other words, sociology equips us with a special form of consciousness. This consciousness helps us to better understand the social forces we confront, especially those that constrain us and free us. Thus sociology is a liberating science.

By looking at social arrangements in imaginative and fresh ways we gain a new vision of the social experience. The old, familiar, and even comfortable ways we have for viewing life change. We find that the society into which we are born shapes our identities, personalities, emotions, thought processes and fortunes in countless ways. Indeed the structures of society become the structures of our own consciousness: “Society does not stop at the surface of our skins. Society penetrates us as much as it envelops us” (Berger, 1963) So the challenge of sociology is to go beyond appearances and peer behind the masks people wear.

Text 3.

Sociologist William Wilson (1987) also looks to the structure of our society in seeking to understand the plight of ghetto blacks. He says that black poverty and disadvantage persist in our nation’s central cities for a fundamental social reason: hundreds of thousands of low-skill jobs – primarily involving physical labor – have disappeared over the last quarter century. For some thirty years prior 1970 blacks had steadily moved out of poverty. But during the 1970s and 1980s traditional avenues closed as the economy increasingly shifted away from the manufacture of goods (employing workers in the steel, auto and appliance industries) to the production of services (sales personnel, computer programmers, cashiers and hospital personnel). From 1979 to 1985 the number of manufacturing jobs in the United States dropped by 1.7 million. Whereas +4 per cent of men under age 20 worked in manufacturing in 1973, the proportion had fallen to 22 percent by 1987. Many of the problems of the ghetto – soaring rates of welfare dependency, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, and crime – are in part out growths of the fundamental, underlying problem of no jobs. As matters now stand, only 39 percent of black men aged 25 to 34 are married and living with their wives, a far cry from the figure of 62 percent for whites. Meanwhile the civil rights movement has allowed middle-class blacks to escape from the ghetto. So the black middle class no longer serves as a social and economic “buffer” in ghetto communities; now only a poor population remains that confronts family collapse and a growing isolation from mainstream society.

Text 4.

A basic reason for studying sociology is that by understanding the society in which we live, we can gain fuller insights into ourselves. Sociologist C.Mills (1959) termed this component the sociological imagination – the ability to see our lives, concerns, problems, and hopes as entwined within the larger social and historical context in which we live. He said we typically go about our daily activities bounded by a rather narrow orbit. Our viewpoint is limited to the close-up scenes of our school, job, family, and neighborhood. The sociological imagination allows us to break out from this limited vision and discern the relationship between our personal experiences and the social world about us.

Mills, an influential bur controversial sociologist pointed out that our personal troubles and public issues “ overlap and interpenetrate to form the larger structure of social and historical life”. …For instance,… in the first half of the 1980s some 11.5 million American workers lost jobs because of plant shutdowns or relocations, and only 60 percent of them found new jobs. Most lost their jobs because of rapid changes in technology and foreign competition. According to Mills we cannot explain their employment problems because “ the very structure of opportunities was collapsed. Both the correct statement of the


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