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» Д6, . 30Ж.




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». 1998. №. 8. C.15-17.







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, 1998. 896 .







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», 2010. 239 .








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», 2010. 101 .



















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, 2009. 40 .









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. 1979 №. 6.





. 29-30.





N.V. Glinskaya

Murmansk, Russia


The article describes some principles of teaching reading at English lessons according to the latest Standards of Education with the further presentation of an assignment to the lessons for the 5th form students.


Key words: reading, Federal Standards of Education, teaching methods of reading.

372.881.1 37.022

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This paper presents a theoretical and practical use of an innovative approach as one of the ways to improve the learning process and the formation of intercultural communicative competence of students in a foreign language classroom.

Key words: intercultural competence, communicative approach, telecommunication projects, Debatestechnology, role plays, telecommunications, Internet Information resources.

Modern innovation of educational technologies must optimize teaching process. At present priority is given to the interactivity and authenticity of communication, learning the language in a cultural context, autonomy and humanization of education. These principles make possible the development of intercultural competence as a component of communicative abilities. The ultimate goal of a foreign language teaching is learning of free orientation in a foreign environment and the ability to adequately respond in different situations, that means communication. Today, new techniques of using the Internet resources are being opposed to the traditional teaching of foreign languages. To teach communication skills in a foreign language you need to create real life situations that will stimulate learning material and develop adequate behavior. New technologies are trying to fix this error, particularly the Internet.

Communicative approach is a strategy that simulates communication, aimed at creating a psychological and linguistic readiness to communicate, on a conscious understanding of the material and methods of action with it. For the user, the implementation of the communicative approach in the Internet is not particularly difficult. Communicative task must offer students a problem or question for discussion, the students do not just share information, but also to evaluate it. But the main criterion to distinguish this approach from other learning activities is that the students themselves choose the linguistic units to pro-


cess their thoughts. Using the Internet in the communicative approach is the best motivated: its purpose is to motivate students to learn a foreign language through the accumulation and expansion of their knowledge and experience.

One of the basic requirements for teaching foreign languages with using Internet resources is to create interaction in the classroom that is called in the interactive methodology as Interactivity. Interactivity means a union, coordination and complementarity of communicative goals efforts and results by speech means. Teaching authentic language the Internet helps in shaping the conversation , as well as in teaching vocabulary and grammar, providing a genuine interest and hence effectiveness. Interactivity is not just creating real life situations, but also makes the students adequately respond to them through a foreign language.

Internet Information resources play an important role in the formation of communicative competence. Internet Information Resources - is primarily media sites, the official portal of the Government, the presidents, monarchs of different countries. These resources are not learning material, but the ability to work in a network with authentic resources is a source of motivation for the students that should be used in the educational process. Thus, they provide a unique opportunity not only to see, read and listen to valuable authentic material, but also to ask questions and communicate with native speakers. This forms the independent creative and critical thinking, as students are provided with different and sometimes opposite views on the topic which is under discussion. The most popular publications are electronic versions of newspapers.

Working with an online newspaper provides unique opportunities of intercultural communication. In addition to obtaining information on current events in the world, students can speak on reading and participate in discussions of in-

terest to their problems. In addition, the newspaper The Guardian presents rubric

“TКХФ”, аСОЫО вШЮ МКЧ ЛШЭС ШЧХТЧО КЧН ТЧ ШПП-line mode ask the famous British politicians, writers, journalist, etc., as well as participate in the discussion which can be proposed by editorial board and that is certainly of great value for intercultural communication. Telecommunications means including e-mail, global,

regional and local networks and data communication are open to the trainees and

ЭОКМСОЫЬ’ ШЩЩШЫЭЮЧТЭТОЬ, ЫКЩТН ЭЫКЧЬПОЫ КЭ КЧв НТЬЭКЧМО ТЧПШЫЦКЭТШЧ ШП КЧв ФТЧН and scope, access to various sources of information, interactivity and feedback, the organization of joint telecommunication projects. Thus, an unlimited amount of material in the network and the possibility of the above mentioned innovative technologies allow you to choose and experiment, make the acquired knowledge more accessable and promote the motivation of students, form and develop skills to work with information and the ability to cross-cultural communication. And even a serious problem that is associated with the presence of the known negative consequences, for example the passivity of students and low autonomy, can be solved by the establishment of new forms of educational work. For example, the implementation of collective creative projects, the contribution of each par-


ticipants is discussed and estimated, the formation and representation on the Internet of individual educational space, including collected by students educational and scientific resources for the proposed discipline, participation in work together in virtual research laboratories and network of business games.

Introduction to the educational proceЬЬ ШП “DОЛКЭОЬ” technology promotes the formation of logical and critical thinking of students organize their skills of thoughts, oral communication skills , skills of rhetoric, self-confidence, ability to

work in a team, ability to concentrate on the essence of problems. Experience in ЮЬТЧР ШП “DОЛКЭО” technology in the study of English language shows that this

technology is an effective method of developing students' ability to speak a foreign language. Since the debate includes various activities, they develop skills in listening and understanding, reading, and recordkeeping in a foreign language. Simulation also refers to innovative technologies. Simulation in teaching a foreign language means an imitative, invented and played presentation of interpersonal contacts, which is organized around a problematic situation. Simulations allow a thorough discussion of the situation, promote the development of creativity and suggest a creative solution to the communicative task or problem.

Using simulations requires a thorough preparation on the part of the teacher:

1)to analyze the needs and interests of students,

2)define the goal to be achieved;

3)form a problem;

4)to determine the status roles and distribute them among the partici-


5)to pick up the necessary additional information.

When teaching foreign language communication simulations promote activization of cooperation between the participants of communication, motivate improvement of skills to analyze, discuss, argue, inform, to express their views, to negotiate, to reject, to solve problems and make decisions step by step, moving from one stage to another. Participants of role-playing games implement speech interaction within the prescribed role behavior. In many cases the outcome of the role-playing game is not important. The main task participants face is to simulate speech utterances which are acceptable in a given communication situation. Role-playing game is considered to be all speech exercises that involve two or more partners who have received these or other roles. There are two main kinds of social and psychological roles. Social roles are dictated by circumstances and reflect the social functions. Psychological role are experienced as a psychological condition.

Thus, innovative technologies that we reviewed currently significantly enrich and diversify the teaching of foreign languages. In place of monotonous work intelligent creative search comes, during which a new type of personality is formed, active and purposeful, focused on constant self-education and development.



1.Ladouse G.P. Role Play /G.P. Ladouse // Resourse Books for Teachers.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.181p.

2.Chamberlain A., Steel R. Guide Pratique de la Communication /A. Chamberlain, R. Steel. Les Editions Didier. Paris, 1991. 192 p.


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, 2004.

. 139-144.





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